TPi March 2014
business & market news
High purity technical seminar
manufactures True15™ ultra high purity electro-polished tubing that exceeds the ASME BPE Standard. Starting with its 316L tubing, RathGibson achieves a 15μ-in Ra (0.4μm) ID maximum finish on its True15 ™ tubing. This crevice-free surface finish discourages microbial impurities. “The technology exchange that transpired between the attendees and the presenters was beneficial to all,” said Mr Sedivy. “Tours of RathGibson’s tube manufacturing processes, from roll-forming and welding to polishing, were vital components for supporting the stimulating dialogue that occurred. The ultimate goal of the seminar was to cultivate on-going conversations between engineers and end-users to everyone’s professional advantage.” Due to the positive response to the event, RathGibson will offer another high purity seminar from 20 to 22 October 2014. is our largest ever in Iraq and indicates the current opportunities that are in the marketplace. Large-scale oil and gas projects, particularly brownfield, are beginning to receive investment in the country and our large presence in the region means we are well placed to capitalise on the increased activity.” The project follows strong growth for Tata Steel in the Middle East, having been involved in several large projects. Mrs Hughes added, “The Middle East offers many opportunities for Tata Steel and our customers. Recent growth and investment in the region has made it an attractive place to develop and do business, with many of our customers starting to increase activity in the region.”
RathGibson, a manufacturer of welded, welded and drawn, and seamless stainless steel, nickel and speciality alloy tubing, held a high purity technical seminar in October 2013. 82 specialists from various countries travelled to the company’s Janesville, Wisconsin, USA, location to discuss processing issues ranging from theoretical proposals to real-world applications. According to Paul Sedivy, director – high purity, “The three- day seminar fostered meaningful communications among experts from the pharmaceutical, food, dairy, beverage and biopharmaceutical industries.” The seminar included presentations on corrosion, passivation, gasket and hanger selection, cleaning-in-place/ sterilisation-in-place (CIP/SIP), welding solutions, higher alloy alternatives, field failure case studies, and a factory tour of RathGibson’s entire manufacturing process. One of the highlights of the tour was an insider’s view of the company’s electro-polishing procedure, which Tata Steel, Europe’s second largest steel producer, has announced a multi-million pound contract with KOGAS (Korea Gas Corporation) for the manufacture and supply of pipe in the Middle East. The deal, between KOGAS and Tata Steel’s energy and power division, has seen the company manufacture 110km of line pipe and coatings for the Kirkuk to Baiji Dry Gas Project in Iraq. A total of 10,000 tonnes of line pipe was manufactured and coated at the company’s 42" mill in Hartlepool, UK, and has now been shipped to Iraq for installation. The pipe, which measures 16" in diameter, is designed and manufactured specifically for the transportation of dry gas. Carol Hughes, business development manager, energy and power for Tata Steel, said, “The contract with KOGAS
Composite tubes are being used succesfully by our customers in waste-to-energy plants, power stations, boiler and heat-exchan- ging plants and coalification plants.
Hoesch Schwerter Profile
GmbH uses the hot extru- sion process to combi- ne two different ma- terial grades to produce a single composite tube. Why not take advan- tage of our know-how and processes? Our tubes are: wear resistant, multi-functional – heat conductible and corrosion-resistant, easy to work – bendable and formable, also available as fin-tubes.
RathGibson – USA Contract for pipe supply
Pay us a visit at Tube Dusseldorf 7–11 April 2014 Hall 3 Stand G25
Hoesch Schwerter Profile GmbH Eisenindustriestrasse 1 · D-58239 Schwerte
Tel.: ++49 (0) 23 04 106-608 Fax: ++49 (0) 23 04 106-591 E-Mail: Internet:
Tata Steel Europe Ltd – UK
Tube Products International March 2014
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