TPi July 2008
Short term work is necessary from time to time in the power plant blocks. Critical for the choice of the appointed service providers was flexibility, and the ability to assemble under the highest safety requirements. If there are unforeseen repairs required in the flue gas desulpherising plant, as a general rule these must be executed immediately, during operation and, if necessary, with protective equipment. Fiberpipe provides the repair service with a stipulated lead- time of up to 24 hours.
▲ Flexible assembly: FRP flue gas pipeline
Up to 50% reduced assembly times Hamon group specialises in return cooling tower systems. Hundreds of natural ventilation cooling towers are planned and implemented, with over one hundred forced ventilation cooling towers and numerous projects being added each year.
The standard pipes of Fiberpipe are designed following ISO dimensions. Advantages include full compatibility of different pipelines and the ability to use standard components and fittings. Lightweight FRP pipes allow faster assembly and handling and economise on time and investment. Fiberpipe offers a similar service to the large-scale power company Mannheim AG.
Fiberpipe has improved the construction and assembly-friendliness of the pipelines used in
the Hamon Thermal Germany cooling towers. For example, the winter ring pipeline, used for preheating and frost prevention, is 80% prefabricated by Fiberpipe. The perfect fitted FRP pipelines allow a reduction in assembly time of up to 50% at this location. The companies work hand in hand for complete pipeline construction, ensuring short delivery times and high operating efficiency.
▼ Assembly costs minimised: winter pipeline in a cooling tower
Fiberpipe GmbH – Germany
Tube Products International July 2008
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