TPi July 2008
Tube making Raw mater ials for
Stainless steel from India
The molten material then is refined in the argon oxygen decarburiser.
The main activities of the Gopal Group, India, are focused on stainless steel, alloy steel and mild steel. The company’s plants have 15 tonne capacity induction furnaces, a 20-tonne argon oxygen decarburiser (AOD), and a 9/16 meter continuous caster, providing capacity and flexibility. Furnaces at Delhi have a 6-ton melting capacity induction, the facility at Chennai has 8-ton melting capacity induction, and the company has a 20-ton heat capacity with AOD at Ahmedabad. Different types of stainless steel scrap or mild steel scrap, along with other alloying metals and ferro alloys, are melted together in the induction furnace in the required proportion to produce the desired grade of stainless steel and alloy steel. The input materials are sourced locally as well as imported from other countries.
By this process, the carbon levels in the material are brought down and the quality is improved. To achieve the desired chemistry of the finished steel, ferro alloys and other alloying metals are added at this stage. The refined liquid metal is cast into ingots and billets of different sizes by pouring into moulds. The cast ingots are then hot rolled or forged in a rolling/forging mill to produce products such as plates, flats, round bars, hexagonal bars, bright bars, square bars, wire rods, angles, channels and forged rounds.
. . . THE trade magazine for tube & pipe products, materials and ancillaries
Gopal Group – India
DD_AZ_Image_GB_180x125_ol 18.06.2008 15:35 Uhr Seite 1
July 2008 Tube Products International
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