TPi July 2008
news business & market
3 rd International Tube & Profile Exhibition
BASF names Swagelok as a global preferred A-supplier
Swagelok Company has announced its designation by BASF as a global preferred A-supplier for fluid systems technologies. The award was celebrated with the signature of a new agreement and the handover of a BASF Procurement Verbund Global Supplier Certificate, awarded to companies that both meet the company’s worldwide procurement standards and have attained outstanding standards for technical innovation and product quality.
The 3 rd International Tube & Profile Exhibition will be held 6-8 August 2008 at Hejab Hall, Tehran, Iran. The exhibition aims to gather together those active in tube and profiles, in- cluding producers, related organisations and specialists, in order to showcase and represent the latest products and industrial technology in the field of tube and profile industry software and hardware. The event will also feature discussions about the obstacles and challenges faced, domestic and foreign market strategies, and counselling about goal development methods. The previous exhibition was attended by 32 Iranian organisations and 12 foreign organisations from seven countries (UK, Italy, Germany, Russia, China, Malaysia and India). Mine & Mining Industries Database – Iran Linde Group sells valve production facility Gases and engineering company The Linde Group, Germany, has sold its MAPAG Valves GmbH valve production facility to the international technology corporation Metso, Finland, at an enterprise value of € 36 million. The contract will enter into effect on approval from the relevant anti-trust authorities, andwill allowLinde’s engineeringdivision to focus on its core competencies. MAPAG is a specialist in producing high performance butterfly valves for different types of plants in the petrochemical, air separation and liquefied natural gas industry. The Linde Group has more than 50,000 employees working in around 100 countries worldwide. In the 2007 financial year it achieved sales of € 12.3 billion.
Associates from Swagelok Company and BASF attended the certificate presentation ▲ ▲
BASF’s portfolio includes chemicals, plastics, performance products, agricultural products and fine chemicals, and it uses Swagelok ® products in a variety of applications. Swagelok Company is a developer and provider of fluid system solutions, including products, assemblies, and services for the research, instrumentation, pharmaceutical, oil and gas, power, petrochemical, alternative fuels, and semiconductor industries. The company delivers its products and services not only in the United States, but also in Europe and in Asia. MatthiasFankhänel, senior vicepresident, BASFglobal procurement and logistics, commented, “ BASF sets demanding standards and has high expectations towards its suppliers. Swagelok deserves our recognition because it has been working very hard to meet these standards. The certificate acknowledges Swagelok’s success and establishes new goals for BASF’s suppliers. ” Arthur F Anton, Swagelok president and chief executive officer, said, “ We are tremendously proud and grateful that BASF has demonstrated its continued trust and confidence in our ability to provide the highest levels of performance, quality, and on-time delivery. As the preferred supplier, we are now in a position to provide BASF with its desired global support for Swagelok products through our extensive network of authorised sales and service centres around the world. ”
Swagelok Company – USA
Swagelok Europe – Switzerland
BASF – Germany
The Linde Group – Germany •
Tube Products International July 2008
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