TPi January 2016
products & developments Novel approach to identify corrosion problems
produces characteristic visuals that allude to corrosion stemming from causes such as trapped moisture, surface contamination, scale, humidity or carbon levels. The EDS analysis, produced by X-radiation, generates a wavelength spectrum to indicate the present levels of chemical elements. Depending on the atomic and weight percentages, the corrosion trigger can be inferred and possibly resolved by a tweak in the process fluid properties to inhibit or eliminate the problems upstream. Quaker says that its study in SEM/ EDS technology is a helpful tool in understanding corrosion phenomena. “When performed carefully and with proper interpretation of the results, advanced surface analyses with this tool can largely contribute to solving corrosion issues in tube and pipe operations,” commented Karl Kunkel, North American industry business director – metalworking. Quaker Chemical is a provider of process fluids, chemical specialities and technical expertise to a wide range of industries, including steel, aluminium, automotive, mining, aerospace, and tube and pipe.
Corporation addressed the issue with scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) technology. Quaker’s research efforts have resulted in a methodology to pinpoint corrosion through visual and chemical composition data. Providing insight at a molecular level, the findings from the SEM/ EDS give clues on how to rethink the manufacturing process and how to adjust the metalworking fluids to tackle rust prevention. The SEM imagery
Corrosion protection provided by metalworking fluids remains a concern during the manufacturing of tubular goods. Since pipe products are vulnerable to multiple conditions that can lead to oxidation, corrosion can unknowingly occur in production or during storage. As a consequence, the pipe producer is at risk for financial losses in non-conforming products, scrap and/or rework costs.
Challenged to investigate the sources of pipe corrosion, Quaker Chemical
Example of SEM imagery (taken at
3,300x magnification) depicting typical rust (round bubble-like appearance) that forms in the presence of ambient humidity on a high carbon content substrate
Quaker Chemical Corp – USA
Press fittings for sprinkler fire extinguishing systems
catalogue that have both screw fittings and groove fittings.
Pressfittings makes building this type of system faster and less complicated, whether in AISI 316L stainless steel or carbon steel. The Eurotubi Pressfitting range for fire extinguishing systems has many shapes available, from sleeves to more com- plicated bypasses. For exchangeability with other joint systems, there are numerous hybrid components in the
Eurotubi Pressfittings are a quick and reliable choice to build sprinkler fire extinguishing systems, with a wide range of pipes and fittings, in diameters from 22 to 108mm, approved with VdS certification. Building a sprinkler fire extinguishing system is often associated with long and complicated joint techniques such as groove fittings or soldering. Using
These are important in building sprinkler fire extinguishing systems, as they were the most used type of fitting before the arrival of the press fitting.
Eurotubi Europa Srl – Italy
Tube Products International January 2016
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