TPi January 2008
events calendar
A Happy New Year to all our readers and a warm welcome to the first edition of Tube Products INTERNATIONAL magazine. This exciting new trade publication has a large international audience of buyers, specifiers and business end-users of metal, plastic & composite tube and pipe materials, products and fittings.
2008 12 February
Pipe Dream India 2008 Technical Conference Tube India 2008 International Exhibition Boru 2008 International Exhibition Tube 2008, Düsseldorf International Exhibition Shanghai Steel Tube Expo International Exhibition Tube Russia 2008 International Exhibition
13-15 February
28 February – 2 March
Within the pages of every issue we report the latest corporate and economic tube and pipe industry information, as well as featuring new technological advances in materials, products and ancillaries available within the tube and pipe industry around the world. In this inaugural issue you will read about tube and pipe products manufactured from stainless steel and the technological advances in this material. A further feature on plastic tube and pipe products and ancillaries is well worth a read – a massively growing sector in our industry. We have also included a special section previewing Tube Düsseldorf 2008 (31 March – 4 April) – the most important international exhibition in the industry’s calendar. We hope you enjoy reading Tube Products INTERNATIONAL and we look forward to keeping you up to date withmore exciting industry news and product developments over the coming issues. If you would like to order an annual subscription to receive every issue of Tube Products INTERNATIONAL magazine, please turn to page 29 for more details. For now, we hope you enjoy this magazine and until our next issue in the summer this year, we wish you a successful and prosperous 2008!
31 March – 4 April
10-12 April
27-30 May
2-4 June
Middle East Plastic Pipes International Exhibition Tubes & Fittings Ukraine International Exhibition Tube China 2008 International Exhibtion Fabtech 2008 International Exhibition
17-20 June
23-26 September
6-8 October
2009 11-14 January
Tube Arabia 2009 International Exhibition
Tube Russia 2008 International Exhibition
12-15 May
Paul Hogg Editor
For further information on any of the above events please contact INTRAS Limited UK office (address and contact details on page 4)
The World of Tube & Pipe Products, Materials & Ancillaries
Tube Products International January 2008
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