TPi April 2010
events calendar
A busy year ahead
Welcome to the April issue of Tube Products International, which this month focuses on small diameter, high precision tubes and coated pipes and tubes aswell as the usual round-upof all the latest business and marketing and product development news. Also don’t forget to have a look at our technical
2010 24-27 May
Tube Russia 2010 International Exhibition
21-24 September
Tube China 2010 International Exhibition EuroBLECH International Exhibition
article this month, which deals with present and future developments in carbon steel tubular products and offers some fascinating insights into the processes involved in making domestic tubing and how the methods are likely to evolve in the future. Also, we’d love to hear your feedback if you have found any of our articles particularly useful or if there are any areas that you might find it interesting for us to focus on in the future. There’s been lots of tube and pipe news dominating the headlines inEurope recently, especially on theEastern fringes of the continent with moves to expand gas lines that supply the precious resource to Western Europe. The Nabucco Gas Pipeline, at 3,300 kilometres, will link Western Europe to the Caspian region, theoretically breaking Russia’s monopoly on gas supplied to the West, a move that places it at the heart of a power play over who supplies Europe with gas. Construction is planned to start in 2011, but before that can happen there is the issue of financing the pipeline, whose investment costs amount to about €7.9bn ($11.03bn). The final go ahead is due to be given this summer. In terms of raw materials Nabucco will require 2m tons of steel, 200,000 pipes and more than 30 compressor units. The diameter of the pipeline will be 56” (1,400mm). It will be interesting to see how it develops over the crucial next 12 months, especially with plans for rival pipelines already at an advanced stage. The Intras team will, as I write, soon be flying out from the UK to Germany for the Tube Düsseldorf show so I hope you had a very successful event for your company and that you found Düsseldorf offered its usual warm welcome. With Tube Düsseldorf now out of the way the rest of 2010 shows no sign of slowing down when it comes to tube events. Tube Russia, Tube China, EuroBLECH and then Fabtech in November will be upon us before we know it, and 2011 looks like being even more packed. Watch out for more details in forthcoming issues. Talking of which next issue we have some interesting features on stainless steel tubes, Tube China and EuroBLECH 2010 so make sure that you submit your editorial by the closing date of 2 June.
26-30 October
2-4 November
Fabtech / AWS Welding Show International Exhibition
30 November – 2 December
Valve World Expo International Exhibition
2011 8-11 January
Tekno / Tube Arabia 2011 International Exhibition
11-14 January
SteelFab (Sharjah, UAE) International Exhibition BORU 2011 International Exhibition
3-6 March
13-15 September
Tube Southeast Asia International Exhibition
19-24 September
EMO Hannover International Exhibition Tubotech (Brazil) International Exhibition
4-6 October
13-16 November
Fabtech / AWS Welding Show International Exhibition
Tolexpo (Paris) International Exhibition
For further information on any of the above events please contact INTRAS Limited UK office (address and contact details on page 4)
Rory McBride Editor
Tube Products International April 2010
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