TPi April 2010
INTEGRATED NONDESTRUCTIVE TESTING SOLUTIONS Full-Body Inspection of Rotating Pipes Using Linear Phased Array Probes Phased array technology offer fast and comprehensive inspections of both surface breaking and nonsurface breaking defects. Phased array provides flexibility and control of all inspection parameters. These systems are designed to inspect seamless, welded, and upset pipes made of carbon steel, stainless steel, and 13% chrome commonly used in the oil and gas industry. Diameters range from 60.3 mm to 406.4 mm (or more) and wall thicknesses from 3 mm to 50 mm. • Large mechanical scan overlap covering up to 120 mm/r with multiple parallel firing • Multiple defect-type inspection capability (L, T, O, and LAM), wall thickness measurement, and 2-D mapping. • Near perfect coupling thanks to the multiple degrees of freedom of the water wedge
Olympus has recently introduced the QuickScan LT-PA. This new phased array acquisition unit is de- signed especially for the industrial environment with improved integra- tion capabilities (compact, IP55, no air-conditioned needed). It can be mounted directly on the inspection head allowing a fully integrated inspection system with less phased array cables, and in- novative inspection configurations.
• Reduced uninspected lengths (dead zones), down to 5 mm • Automatic calibration-per-channel, providing the highest documented repeatability in the industry • High sensitivity on small reference defects with an SNR greater than 12 dB. • Fulfills testing regulations such as API-5CT and API-5L. Qualified by major oil companies in the world (Exxon-Mobil, Shell, BP, and Chevron).
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