TPi April 2010
news business & market
OMS to sample flow line pipe ends for Gumusut-Kakap oil field
that SCRs demand. Those pipes that are more difficult to fit together will be used in less critical areas. OMS will also advise Serimax on the most suitable dimensions of the J-lay collars for welding the pipe ends. This will ensure the easiest and best fit up of pipes offshore, where it is essential to minimise the time and costs of the pipe- laying vessel. The pipe laying installation contractor on the Gumusut-Kakap project is SapuraAcergy. OMS was awarded the contract from the welding contractor for the project, Serimax. OMS is a specialist measurement technology company that provides measurement services and precision measurement systems to the oil and gas industry. A key focus for the company is in the dimensional measurement of oil and gas pipes or other similar structures such as aero engines, process industry tubes or manufactured cylindrical objects, where dimensions are critical. Optical Metrology Services Limited – UK
The Gumusut-Kakap field will be a semi-submersible Floating Production System (FPS) configured for the mild offshore environment North-West of Sabah, Malaysia, within the Indian Ocean. All wells are subsea, with oil and condensate exported via a pipeline to shore. In total, there will be 27 riser porches and 13 pull tubes on the Host FPS, of which 10 riser porches and five pull tubes have been allocated for the initial J and K field development. OMS will provide assistance in the planning and execution of the creation of the J-Lay double joints.
UK-based specialist measurement technology company Optical Metrology Services (OMS) Ltd has been awarded a contract to undertake dimensional measurement of pipes for the Gumusut-Kakap oil field installation, the first Shell deepwater project in Malaysia. The three-week project requires OMS to carry out critical analysis and sampling of around 3,500 pipe ends and seven different sizes of pipe. The pipe ends will be used for both steel catenary risers (SCRs) and flow lines.
This process will enable the most round pipes to be allocated to the more critical areas of the pipeline, where they will be fitted together using a mixture of selection and rotation in order to provide the required fit up to less than 0.5mm
OMS will carry out critical analysis and sampling of around 3,500 pipe ends
Welspun Gujarat nets orders Welspun Gujarat Stahl Rohren Ltd, the flagship company of the Welspun Group, has won orders worth Rs 600 crore for pipes and plates from its global clients. The orders include orders of specialised plates received from large windmill manufacturers. Mr BK Goenka, chairman and managing director of Welspun said, “With these new orders, we have once again re-established our capabilities as quality plate manufacturer in both the international and Indian markets.” The company’s pipe and plate plants are located in Dahej and Anjar in Gujarat, India. The manufacturing facilities incorporate hybrid JCO technology from Mannesmann Demag of Germany (SMS Meer).
Hill & Smith completes sale of subsidiary
Hill & Smith, an international group in the supply of infrastructure products, galvanising services and building and construction products to global markets, has announced that it has completed the sale of its wholly owned subsidiary, Ash & Lacy Perforators Limited. Ash & Lacy Perforators is a long-established business engaged in the manufacture of perforated and expanded metal, mainly supplied to the building and construction industry. It has been sold to A&L Perforators Limited, a newly formed company under the control of some of the existing directors of Ash & Lacy Perforators. The net sale consideration of approximately £1mn is payable in cash, and is subject to adjustment based on the net assets of Ash & Lacy Perforators following finalisation of completion accounts. Commenting on the disposal, Derek Muir, chief executive of Hill & Smith, said, “We are continuing to strategically focus the group towards the higher added value infrastructure products activities and the sale of Ash & Lacy Perforators represents a further step in the completion of this strategy.”
Hill & Smith Holdings Plc – UK
Welspun – India
Tube Products International April 2010
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