TPi April 2008
Equipment Pipel ine Inspect ion
Custom pipeline girth weld calibration blocks
by the customer that are job specific as well as equipment specific. The blocks are fabricated to match the design of the inspection equipment. All reflectors in a block are measured and certified, and qualified third party inspectors are available.
ScanSystemsCorporation,USA,through its operating division EDM Specialties, manufactures custom calibration blocks for automatic ultrasonic inspection (AUT) equipment designed for pipeline girth weld inspections. Each block is manufactured to customer’s specifications, provided with engineering drawings. The blocks are cut from lengths of pipe samples sent
the right-of-way. Blocks can be full body or made from a section of the cut from the pipe, depending on the customer’s specifications. Scan Systems Corporation also manufactures and sells through EDM Specialties two models of portable electric discharge machines designed to fabricate flaws in all types of metal products. It also offers a line of electromagnetic (EMI) pipe inspection equipment through its PITCO Division. The portable Tally-Rite measuring equipment is also marketed by Scan Systems Corporation. Scan Systems Corporation – USA Mag meter measures liquids down to 0.1µS/cm An ultra-compact electromagnetic flowmeter has been launched in the UK by mass flow metering and control technology specialist, Bronkhorst UK. Also available with an integral PID controller for flow control duties, the Miniature-Mag series is suitable for measuring liquids with a low conductivity down to 5 microSiemens/cm, even as low as 0.1µS/cm for some applications, and for handling flow rates between 1 litre/hr and 3,000 l/hr. Intended mainly for smaller bore installationsandcapableofbeingusedon pipework bends rather than just straight runs, it is available for internal pipe diameters between 1.5mm and 12mm and features empty meter detection for when there is insufficient flow. The very high speed of response makes it suitable for batching applications, a capability further enhanced by automatic overrun compensation. Unlike standard magnetic flowmeters that require electrodes to be placed within the fluid path, often clogging up with sticky substances, Miniature- Mag sensors do not restrict the flow path, giving 100% full bore flow. This combination of features makes it suitable for many industrial and hygiene-
Blocks can be mounted on custom dummy rings made of a lighter material than the pipe for easier handling on Phased array scarf monitoring system
GESensing& InspectionTechnologies,USA, has introduced a weld profile visualisation system using phased array technology. This new scarf monitoring system provides a real time, accurate picture, on-line, of both the ID and the OD profiles of scarfed ERW pipes, as scarfing takes place. As a result, it is possible to effect real time control of the scarfing process, by identifying events such as tool drift and edging as they occur. This can achieve significant reductions in scrap. The heart of the new system is the ultrasonic phased array transducer, which electronically simulates the scanning action required to provide the weld profile information.
GE’s new scarf monitoring system S S
The resultant information is then fed into the UTxx digital flaw detection platform. This incorporates standard or phased array flaw detection channels and all the associated processing electronics, to give a complete scarf monitoring and flaw inspection package. In operation, the transducer test head assembly is mounted such that it is directly above the weld line. The mill coolant acts as the ultrasonic coupling medium. The transducer test head then uses its phased array elements to monitor the inside and outside diameter of the weld as it is being cut, at a scanning rate of up to 300 profiles/sec. Transducers and shoes are available to monitor tubes from 50 to 500mm in diameter and typical coverage is ±25mm from the nominal weld centre line. Inspection data is displayed in true-to-scale cross-sectional profile at one or multiple monitor screens, and high and low limit alarms provide warning of weld profile deviation. Intelligent dynamic software averaging techniques minimise the possibility of false readings. The weld profile visualisation system features all-electronic set-up for ease of use and repeatability, and it can be installed within feet of the weld station, depending on local temperature conditions. As a result, it operates both as a process control system and a quality control system. It can be combined with a flaw detection system, and allows inspection traceability through a built-in data logger, which records minimum and maximum thickness readings across the weld area and strip thickness.
GE Sensing & Inspection Technologies – USA
Tube Products International April 2008
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