TPi April 2008
Equipment Pipel ine Inspect ion
Photo – Olympus NDT see page 52
On installation, a pipeline is a marvel of integrity. It has to be. The conditions under which it will operate allow very little margin for error in the manufacture of the mega-sections or in the design of the connections. But, although a pipeline is a sealed system, there is nothing static about the transport of oil and gas. The soundness of the line must be ensured over long distances, in rugged terrain, for a life in service that justifies an extraordinary initial outlay in capital and human endeavour. Without regular and reliable inspection for bond integrity, corrosion, and leakage, the risks — to populations and environments, to say nothing of productivity and profitability — are, simply, insupportable. No problem on a pipeline is ever a small one. If it is discovered timely and analysed accurately, it will be a manageable one. The equipment and services reviewed in this section have been developed to serve that ideal.
Tube Products International April 2008
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