TPT September 2023
Sanyo Seiki Co Ltd
Russia as well as North America, Europe and Asia. I was promoted to general manager of the sales department in 2005 and became the president in June 2023. I don’t play tennis now, but I play golf regularly and current average score are around 100 par 18 holes. n Can you tell us about a memorable project or experience in your career in Sanyo? For large size welded pipe mill in a range of 12" to 24", Hitachi Metal were getting all of the projects in both Asia and North America until 1995 – then Abby Etna granted Sanyo a project to design and manufacture the whole forming roll set for its new 12" mill. Since this project was successful for all parties including the pipe maker, Sanyo Seiki started to gain more orders for large size pipe mill project internationally. Since then, Sanyo has managed to make a forming roll set for pipe outer diameter from 4mm up to 762mm (30"). The largest single roll we have ever manufactured is an OD of 1,800mm from forged steel. Sanyo Seiki also designs and produces open profile mills only to customers in Japan. So we also have the know-how of designing forming rolls for different profiles and related machines and equipment. n How do you see the current situation of welded pipe and tube industry? Especially in terms of quality and competition? This is very tough question to answer. Making good quality pipe was the main target by most of our customers in the past, but new trend such as becoming carbon neutral and the electric vehicle shift are also taking place and they need to take a new direction. Sometime government decisions also influence the whole pipe industry. For example, some automotive producing countries are asking for localisation of most of the parts and component produced, including automotive pipes, but high end automotive, or precision tubes, may not be available locally, so low quality pipes are getting used as a substitute. This is an unfortunate situation for high end pipe producers as well as the end customers. I assume that welded pipe companies are in a situation to find the best way to differentiate themselves from competitors in both quality and price. n How do you see the tube and pipe industry changing over the next ten years? I believe the welded pipe industry will keep on growing for the future unless a new material was ever invented that could replace steel. I personally doubt if a new material that is stronger, and with a longer life and that is easy to process and less expensive than steel, can be introduced. So I see steel will still remain in its strong position in human society. Looking at the steel pipe industry in Japan, most pipe makers produce for the domestic market and they will face decreases both in population and market size. Surviving in such situation requires great leadership and strategy.
n What is the future of the forming roll manufacturing industry? And what is your development plan for your company over the next few years? The market size of forming roll is not big, therefore large size companies won’t be able to get into this business. There is some talk of it, but I don’t think any of the roll makers around the world will increase number of employee and become a giant size company either. Regarding Sanyo Seiki, we have 180 employees currently, and as a new president, I would like to sustain our company size, which is able to continue making both large and small size rolls, enhancing roll design and manufacturing systems that please our customers. As I said earlier, Sanyo Seiki invented many forming methods and those have become industry standard globally. I believe Sanyo can still invent new forming methods to contribute to the welded pipe industry. For open profile industry, we don’t export those rolls and machines, but we are open for consultation to overseas customers. n What is your main philosophy as the new president of the company and a final message for our readers? My objectives are very simple. Making my employee and their families all feel happy in their life and our customers satisfied with our products. As a president, I would also like Sanyo to contribute to both local and International society.
Please feel free to contact me for engineering consultation or even an invitation to play golf!
Sanyo Seiki Co Ltd – Japan SST Forming Roll – USA
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