TPT September 2016
Test With The Best
McElroy unveils modernised website PIPE fusion equipment manufacturer McElroy has launched its newly redesigned website. The entire fusion website has been designed to be more inviting, informative and mobile- friendly, and is easy to use, providing machine information as well as fused piping system information to both frequent and first-time users. With a new menu structure, machines are grouped into two distinct categories based on the type of industries served: underground/construction – for equipment fusing traditional thermoplastics like HDPE, MDPE, PA12 and Fusible PVC ® ; and mechanical/HVAC/plumbing – for equipment fusing polypropylene pipe including PP-R and PP-RCT. All product lines include an overview of the features and benefits. Individual product pages include all information and collateral pertinent to the particular machine within the product line, for example part numbers; photos, videos and animations; machine specifications; literature; and accessories and replacement parts. A search feature has been added that allows visitors to search for products, articles, accessories and more. An optional tutorial to help visitors navigate the site is also offered. Induction billet heating AJAX Tocco Magnethermic has shipped a PowerZone billet heating system to LC Manufacturing, located in Michigan, USA. The 1,000kW, 1.3 to 3.3kHz system is designed to heat 1.06" to 2.875" diameter x 6" to 20" long carbon steel billets to forging temperatures. The system includes automatic changing of frequency for differing billet sizes. A PLC with touchscreen display featuring ForgeView Plus software is also included. The unit is loaded by a vibratory bowl feeder. LC Manufacturing chose the Ajax Tocco system based on several factors, including prior experience with Ajax Tocco equipment. The total package fitted the company’s requirements and the PowerZone provides versatility, multi- frequency and the ability to run a wide variety of parts. Ajax Tocco Magnethermic designs and manufactures induction heating and melting equipment for various industries and applications. It also provides a range of services including laboratory process development, preventive maintenance, equipment repair and parts, coil repair facilities, and installation services through its locations in North and South America, Europe and Asia. McElroy – USA Fax: +1 918 831 9285 Email: Website:
Instruments, systems and solutions for nondestructive testing. Backed by a team of experts who will put them to work for you.
See Our New Product and Services Guide Now available at:
Ajax Tocco Magnethermic Corp – USA Email: Website:
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