TPT September 2013
Technology News
Resharpening saw blades SWISSCUT SW Wil is known world- wide as one of the leading producers of HSS, TCT and friction saw blades. In Switzerland it is the biggest blade resharpening company. blades, it also sells cutting technology. Therefore its customer gets a complete package. The inspiration for building the QTC device was that, in many cases, customers did not get the same cutting performance after they had done their own in-house resharpening.
a control unit. On the existing market there was none, or the cost of a unit was far too high. The target was to make a control unit that had low cost, was simple to use and offered a fast check.
More than 40,000 blades are resharpend every year. One of the reasons SW Wil is so successful in the market is that, as well as saw
SwissCut SW – Switzerland Email: Website:
Therefore, in the last few years many of its customers have been asking for
Environmentally friendly machines THE Cofim CTO machine uses a cold pipe cutting process, which does not burn any gas and so reduces the risk of fire, protecting the site from fire hazards. Using the machine makes it easy to keep the site clean using a waste tank to set under the machine and leaves no waste on the site after the job is achieved. It is possible to cut dry or, if cooling is necessary, water can be used to spray the cutting tools; no chemical solutions are needed. It is ATEX certified and can be used to maintain any pipeline, no risk of explosion due to sparks or fire caused by a hot cutting process. The Cofim CTO machine is the safest solution to cut a pipe on-site. The machine is equipped with a start safety handle with a minimum of 1.5m distance for the safety of the operator. Once the machine is set on the pipe to be cut or cut and bevelled, the operator can manage the whole process by keeping a safe distance from the rotating cutting tool. It can be set on closed lines thanks to its clamshell design. Various options can be used on the CTO machine, such as out of round tracking devices, single point machining devices for heavy wall pipes, and counter boring devices. Cofim – France Website:
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