TPT September 2013
Revolutionary laser rotation technology results in highly accurate measurement of dimensions down to 1/10th second cycle. STEELMASTER SMR systems from ZUMBACH: The solution for all lines including high speed with 2- and 3-roll block technology, also for short product lengths. Revolutionary Rotational Measurement A nEw ERA in HOT And COLd STEEL MEASUREMEnT
17-19 Sept. 2013 Bangkok,Thailand Booth # H03
Finally the trouble-free answer to the industry demands for rolled steel. As quality requirements become ever stricter and raw material prices continue to rise, reducing waste is increasingly the key factor for economic viability. STEELMASTER SMR measures a • complete profile within 1/10 second. The system, with up to 3 synchronous rotating measuring heads can acquire up to 6000 measurements/second due to our innovative laser rotational measurement technology. Unique, fully contact-free transmission • of both energy and signals by means of induction and encapsulated W-LAN grants virtually zero maintenance and wear-free operation.
ZUMBACH’s highly evolved software • guarantees: – Continuous error detection – Immediate readjustment in case of shape deviations and rolling errors – Minimal waste STEELMASTER SMR - Most probably the best measurement solution currently available on the market for hot and cold rolled steel.
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ZUMBACH Electronics I
SwiSS Prime meaSuring Since 1957
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