TPT September 2012
Rory McBride
The September Issue Welcome to the latest issue of Tube & Pipe Technology. This issue we have features on drilling, piercing and punching technology and measuring and marking as well as a comprehensive round-up of all the latest industry and technology news. Trade show season really has taken off now and many of you will be heading for a successful Tube China. In this issue we look at EuroBLECH 2012 in Hanover, Germany, FABTECH 2012 in Las Vegas and, last but not least, a show I will be visiting for the first time this year – Tube India 2012 in Mumbai. The potential for growth in metal-related industries in India over the next few years alone is staggering and I am looking forward to visiting one of India’s foremost industrial capitals at an exciting time in the country’s history. It is said there will be billions of pounds of investment opportunities in the country over the next few years just in metal-related industry so it's a vital country to get involved with. In the November issue we will be taking a look at another growing show in a very important part of the world for anyone working in the tube and pipe machinery industry – Tube Arabia
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2013. I will also be visiting this show so I hope to see many of you there. We will also have a feature on the latest developments in tube and pipe mills as well as a look at blasting, coating, jacketing and galvanising technology.
Rory McBride – Editor
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Front Cover Story Randolph Tool Co, Inc offers the highest quality tube cut off blades and die jaws in the industry, manufactured to your specifications to best suit your production needs by true craftsmen with the best manufacturing procedures in the the industry as well as a reputation for exceeding expectations. Randolph Tool, which was established in 1968, deals direct to save you money. Fax a drawing of the blades, dies, jaws or repair parts for your tube mills that you require. You will receive a quote
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
VOL 25 NO 5
immediately and will find that the pricing is extremely competitive with a fast turn around time. When you receive the blades they will be flat within 0.002 and the surface of the blade will be extremely smooth, which will help the blade last longer. Randolph Tool also offers services such as resharpening of used blades and die jaws as well as precision machining and uses only top-grade tool steel to produce the best industrial knives and die jaws in the business. Visit or email
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