TPT September 2012
Technology News
High gloss tube polishing and finishing
RC200 is a new centreless tube polishing and abrasive belt grinding machine that combines finishing, satining, buffing and mirror polishing in straight tubes in a single piece of equipment.
The quick change of contact roller for polishing wheel and the flexibility of design of RC200 in order to work under wet and dry conditions makes it easy to perform wet belt grinding and tube gloss polishing in dry operation. The centreless system enables the finishing and polishing of short components from approximately 100mm up to long tubes. Adjustable in feed and out feed roller tables can be supplied in order to support and store tubes with high lengths or heavy pipes. Its modular construction makes it possible to join several tables and meet the total length required by each production range. The wet cooling system, used for tube abrasive belt grinding, where the water is flowing and cooling down the tubes, runs on a closed circuit. Dusty water is decanted and, once cleaned, is pumped back to the finishing point, allowing an efficient consumption of liquid. In addition, a water level shows the operator the exact quantity of water available. A 3m long abrasive belt with 100mm contact area, combined with a flood of coolant and the strength of the regulating roller, permits heavy material removal in pipe grinding and quality belt finishing in tubes. The abrasive belt easy tensioning system, proved and tested in all NS FG machines, makes abrasive belt replacement a quick and practical operation made within a few seconds without the need of any tools. RC200 features a strong construction of the regulating head with adjustable pressure and bi-directional feeding direction. Having these two feeding directions feature decreases handling costs, especially when tube mirror polishing is required, enabling multiple passes on the polishing buffs without having to remove the tube from the work rest and feeding roller tables. Different work rest supports equip the machine, enabling grinding and polishing of tubes from 10 to 206mm OD. Tube mirror polishing with buffs
This is not a pipe.
It’s actually an entry ticket to huge markets. Because what you’re looking at is a longitudinally welded pipe that’s been normalized to oil and gas pipe standards. But there’s a catch. Normalizing isn’t easy. Especially for today’s gauges and alloys. It demands expertise in metallurgy, control software and precise heat delivery. The good news however is that these are areas in which we specialize—making us a leader in pipe weld-seam normalizing. Also, with more than 50 years’ induction heating experience, we’re experts at using technology to open new commercial op- portunities for our customers. EFD Induction is Europe’s no 1—and the world’s no. 2— induction company. Our systems are used to weld, normalize, anneal, harden, temper, braze, melt, forge, bond, cure and pre- and post-heat. So whatever your pipe normalizing needs, you can turn to us for a solution. And since we’re present around the world, that solution is probably closer than you think. Contact us today. There’s a vast oil and gas pipe market out there. We’ll help you get a share of it. Learn more about our pipe welding and normalizing solutions at Fabtech 2012—visit us at Booth C2139.
Putting the smarter heat to smarter use
NS – Máquinas Industriais, Lda – Portugal Fax: +351 229 741 619 Email: Website:
S eptember 2012
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