TPT September 2010

T echnology U pdate Brushes for de-burring tubes LESSMANN, Germany, is a leading manufacturer of wire brushes. The brushes are used for many different industrial applications, such as cleaning weld seams or structuring surfaces. A common application in the tube industry is de-burring cut edges of tubes. After sawing tubes often have sharp edges and burrs that remain, which have to be removed. When de-burring tubes manually, table countersinks or grinder benches with rotating wheel brushes are usually used. These brushes remove burrs reliably and easily. When manufacturing tubes with fixed lengths in serial production, de-burring machines are used for the treatment of the cut edges. The tube is transported through a double sited de-burring machine and touches with both ends the rotating roller brushes in the machine. The tube turns on its own axis and enables the roller brushes to reach all burrs, both at the inner and outer side of the tube. Depending on the application and the working piece, crimped, knotted wires or wires in special constructions are used. The available qualities and sizes of the wires are manifold. In addition to the common steel wire de-burring brushes, Lessmann produces brushes with special filaments like nylon or abrasive nylon. Since this de-burring application is very intensive in material, a high durability of the brush is necessary. Therefore Lessmann produces brushes in a high quality, which ensure an excellent brushing result. Technical brushes are also used for the removal of the coating of large diameter tubes. In the field of pipeline service special brush constructions run through the pipes up to a distance of several hundreds of kilometres, for cleaning and testing the pipes for non- conformities. Shorter pipes up to a diameter of approximately 100mm can be effectively

cleaned by knotted end brushes. Lessmann GmbH – Germany Fax: +49 9082 707 78 Email: Website:

Manual de-burring of cut edges with brushes


S eptember 2010

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