TPT September 2010

I ndustry N ews

Plastic Pipes XV Conference

Winter Olympics, the organisers said that Vancouver was a great destination for businesses to attend. Technical information was not the only resource on offer: communication will also be a valuable medium. Zoran Davidovski, vice president marketing of pipelife and chairman of the organising committee comments: “The conference is always an ideal meeting place for delegates and the latest ideas from utility companies, technical and certification institutes, plastic pipe companies, equipment manufacturers, compound makers and other suppliers.” Plastic Pipes Conference Association Website:

THE Plastic Pipes conference has been running continuously for over 30 years, and is held every two years in a new destination. PPXV is organised by the Plastic Pipes Conference Association, which is made up of the Plastics Pipe Institute (PPI), PVC4Pipes and PPE100+. Largely a European based conference for much of its existence, the Plastic Pipes Conference spread its wings for the first time and travelled to North America in 2006 for its first-ever US debut. Building on its North America success, PPCA brought PPXIV back to Europe to Budapest, Hungary in Eastern Europe for one of its most highly attended conferences to date in the autumn of 2008. This year the event returned to North America, and PPCA felt that Vancouver was the ideal location for PPXV 2010. The organisers also anticipated that greater than ever numbers of Asian and Pacific based attendees, not to mention more West Coast US visitors, would be at the show.

PPXV was a full three day conference held 20-22 September, 2010 at the Westin Bayshore hotel next to Stanley Park. Over 500 delegates representing 45 countries attended the event. Sessions were held in a concurrent session format giving attendees a choice of topics. Over 100 speakers presented on topics ranging from energy to irrigation. Vancouver offered a picturesque backdrop to the industry’s premiere plastic pipes event. Brought to a worldwide audience earlier in the year with the 2010


See us at EUROBLECH Hannover, Germany


S eptember 2010

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