TPT September 2010

B ending & E nd F orming

FOR over 30 years Zopf has offered bending machines, and the company’s main focus has changed from trading to construction and production. The company’s ring bending machine programme extends from proven conventional models to designs with digital Bending force

displays, hydraulic advance, and NC and CNC controls. Praxis-oriented new and continued developments rationalise the work process and offer optimum solutions. The machines are used by small to large companies from all kinds of economic fields, such as shop window construction, mechanical and apparatus engineering, locksmiths, theatres, automobile manufacturers and greenhouse

construction. Internationally, Zopf ring bending machines are represented in Europe, overseas and the Far East, and are supported by qualified agencies in several countries. Zopf Bending Machines – Germany Fax: +49 8222 6204 Email: Website:

Pedrazzoli machines now available from Accurate Cutting Services

AFTER discussions at the Mach 2010 exhibition Roberto Cian-Seran, commercial director at Pedrazzoli IBP, was impressed with the sales and after sales service Accurate Cutting Services Ltd were giving to the end users of its ‘A’ range of machines. The decision was made to wind up Pedrazzoli Tube Technology UK and let Accurate Cutting Services Ltd handle the whole range of Pedrazzoli products. After visiting Pedrazzoli’s base, in Bassano del Grappa in the Trento region of Italy, an agreement was reached. Accurate

Cutting Services Ltd is now a one-stop shop for the complete Pedrazzoli range of equipment. Pedrazzoli has developed the NC range of its tube manipulation machines to dispense with the old hydraulic controls, and has replaced the cylinders with brushless motors, making the moving axis particularly smooth and silent. This also presents a much cleaner machine, uncluttered by hydraulic hoses and limit switches. This range will shortly be available in the UK. In addition to the tube bending

equipment, the end forming range of machinery produced by Pedrazzoli since 1948 incorporates the Stern range, which can be equipped with 25 different tools, each specifically designed for the end forming of tube, automatically. The unique Jariston Brown swaging machine is capable of swaging up to 80mm diameter tube. Accurate Cutting Services Ltd – UK Fax: +44 1527 527541 Email: Website:


S eptember 2010

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