TPT September 2009
A dvances in C utting , S awing & S awblades
Safe and fast high-performance band saw
by lifting the saw frame only to a small clearance for material feed and by moving the frame with a rapid lowering speed before cutting. Behringer GmbH – Germany Fax : +49 7266 207 500
THE new HBV500A from Behringer, Germany, is a fully covered machine featuring improved discharge of swarf and easy access for cleaning. The cutting range for round bars is Ø510mm and for flat materials up to 500x500mm. The cutting speed can be adjusted infinitely from 20 to 140m/min, according to the material. The HBV500A quickly and securely cuts steels, high tensile solids and other materials. The machine is designed to provide the best cutting results. A rigid, low-torsion and low-vibration cast iron saw frame and two large, ground and hard-chrome plated guide columns deliver the base for performance. The quadruple guides, pre-tensioned and backlash-free, simplify difficult cutting tasks while an optional 3° inclined saw frame offers special benefits for cutting profile materials. Behringer has also equipped the HBV500A with high-precision cutting force control.
This feature offers constant cutting feed rate for solids and constant cutting force for pipes or sectional materials. The optimum service life and the precise cut- offs at high output are setting standards for band saws, claims the company. An intelligent stroke control of the saw frame ensures minimum downtime
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Behringer’s new
HBV500A band saw
Booth 3066
S eptember 2009
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