TPT September 2008
F eatures
V ol 21 No 5 September/October 2008
Tube China 2008 has been sold out since May, a testimony to the incredible success of the 4-year- old event. Of course, those heading to Shanghai in September will not be surprised by the rapid growth of a show geared to the formidable Chinese market. Here we present a show update with full exhibitor listing. Tube China 2008: 23-26 September, Shanghai, China
The most highly anticipated Fabtech event outside of Chicago, this year’s show in Las Vegas will be one to remember. Over 950 exhibitors will gather for the first event at the gateway to the US west coast. But instead of slot machines and showgirls, on display will be the finest technology in forming, tube/pipe and welding. Fabtech/AWS Welding Show 2008: 6-8 October, Las Vegas, USA
Sheet metalworking and tube and pipe technology are technical bedfellows, as EuroBlech has proven over the 40 years since it first began. A high number of tube and pipe companies are set to attend this enormous event, with over 1,400 companies dedicated to presenting the finest in machinery, tools and systems. EuroBlech 2008: 21-25 October, Hannover, Germany
Tube Bending & End-forming Technology
The craft of bending and end-forming is one of the most iconic disciplines in the tube industry. Like a highly advanced form of balloon twisting, bending machines can transform a simple tube into a chair frame, a sculpture, serpentine tube and automotive exhaust. It is both simple and complex, and highly effective .
T echnical A rticle
195 Tumicon – mill management and control tool for advanced stretch reducing blocks Dr rer nat Stefan Willems, general manager technology and electrical, Kocks Technik GmbH & Co KG, Mr Jörg von der Heiden, marketing manager, and Mr Jörg Surmund, area sales manager, Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG
Illustration images used this issue courtesy of, Dhatec BV, International Tube Association, Lennartz GmbH & Co KG, Mack Brooks Exhibitions Ltd, Messe Düsseldorf GmbH, and Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME).
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