TPT September 2008
T ube B ending & E ndforming T echnology
All electric 12-axis mandrel tube-bending machine
Soco, Taiwan, has launched its latest all electric 12-axis mandrel tube bending machine. Branded the SB-80x12A–MR– PT+2C, the machine includes a boost bending facility for 1D bending and minimum wall thinning. The machine has multi-stacks and multi- radius, while DBS cutoff shearing (double blade shearing) is also offered to speed up production of many parts from a single tube length. The highest efficiency-DGT (direct gear transmission) machine is ideal for the high volume producer particularly in the field of exhausts and manifolds for automotive applications. The SB-80x12A–MR–PT+2C offers superior performance and can achieve a number of operations. These operations include
bending, rotation, feeding/material booster servo power, pressure die assist, pressure die mobility (up/down), pressure die clamping, and mandrel mobility (forward/ backward). The machine also has a clamping die, machine head seat horizontal mobility, carriage seat vertical mobility (up/down), tail seat vertical mobility (up/down), and pipe support vertical mobility (up/down). A clutch feeding system is fitted for both high and low boosting speeds in the same machine. A servo controlled pressure die vertical movement allows only 1 pressure die for all bending stacks. Other features include different bending parts from the same tube, recapture function and boosting shot for the last bend.
The machine offers very high working speeds, with a bending speed of 120°/sec, rotation speed of 240°/sec and feeding speed of 908mm/sec. Langbow Ltd is the supplier of Soco bending machines for the UK market. Soco Machinery Ltd – Taiwan Fax : +886 4 23592386 Email : Website : The machine has a boost bending facility for 1D bending The bend head is mounted on a gantry structure spanning the support table, while a fully automatic 3-axis support table moves beneath the bending head carrying the product whilst it is being manufactured. The finished product is transported to the edge of the machine for unloading, and an automatic unloading mechanism is available to sweep the finished parts from the automatic table to a receiving bench or conveyor system. The programming software offers engineering units as the programming medium, with repeat facilities to reduce the size of programs for regular shaped parts. The table movements are automatically calculated from the component program. Pneuform Machines Limited – UK Fax : +44 1420 87003 Email : Website : Langbow Limited – UK Fax : +44 1889 578 872 Email : Website :
Soco’s SB-80x12A–MR–PT+2C mandrel tube bending machine is available with 12-axis
Range of benders for solar technology industry
Pneuform Machines Ltd, UK, has extended its range of bending machines to meet the requirements of the solar technology and heated/cooled panel industries. The The PB600 solar/serpentine bender is designed for the requirements of solar technology
PB600 solar/serpentine bender is based on the traditional Pneuform design for straightening and feeding, and can produce parts up to 6m square.
A new bend head has been introduced that encloses the tube during the bending movement, to produce improved bend quality. The bend head has two rollers and a shift mechanism to allow the centre of the rotation to be set around either roller, enabling bending in both directions.
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S eptember 2008
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