TPT November 2021


Metalube cuts emissions and fur ther commits to a carbon neutral and offsetting policy

The aim is to continue with tree planting while actively reducing the carbon footprint within the organisation through several efficiency projects. At the end of 2019, with the help of a resource efficiency advisor and an energy efficiency grant, the company installed a new steam boiler that has improved efficiency by providing steam and heat for its manufacturing process. The project has delivered an estimated reduction of CO 2 emissions by 73 tonnes per year. In addition, it has installed a 50kW solar panel system and has switched from heating barrels with electric heat jackets to a more efficient gas-powered ‘hot box’. Last month the company upgraded its forklifts from gas to an eco-electric fleet, which is charged overnight.

around the globe. To offset carbon this year, the company is planting native trees in Yorkshire, UK which will be validated and verified under the woodland carbon code. Robert Brown, managing director, said: “The ‘corporate carbon footprint’ is an important component for the devel- opment of our climate protection strat- egy. We have analysed and identified

MANCHESTER, UK-based lubricant manufacturer Metalube has committed to carbon neutrality by offsetting the emissions that cannot currently be avoided from its manufacturing and operations. The company first started its carbon neutral policy in 2019 and has since then implemented a series of efficiency upgrades to its manufacturing processes

reduction potentials and sub- sequently defined our goals. The procedure for calculating the footprint is carried out in accordance with the guidelines of the GHG Protocol. “We’re also constantly looking at what is the right thing to do in terms of raw materials and developing lubricants that are safer for the environ- ment without compromising performance.”

Metalube Ltd



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