TPT November 2020
OMNI-X introduces laser technology for tube bending and moulding tools
OMNI-X, a producer of bending tools for tube moulding, recently announced it has been using Laser technology in the field of heat treatment. After performing technical analysis and tests in simulated environments and in real time operations the company purchased a robotic laser for surface hardening technology MLHW 4000 from LaserTherm and since last year the device has been fully involved in OMNI-X’s production process. According to the company the use of this technology, which is one of the dominant technologies today, has many indisputable advantages, which include, above all, local processing of the required areas. Due to the ability to accurately control the energy distribution to the required locations, the temperature is minimally affected by the environment and thus the thermal load of the tool is reduced, eliminating cracks and temperature deformations. The process is also associated with low surface oxidation. Thanks to the automation process it is possible to process any shape that is suitable for example for the hardening of compound jaws, with the possibility of accurate temperature measurement during this process. Speed, reliability and environmental friendliness are other benefits of this method. Laser hardening can also be combined with other methods of chemical-thermal surface treatment,
allowing it to achieve even better properties of the functional surfaces of the bending tools. Currently, OMNI-X offers laser hardening for bend dies, clamp dies, pressure dies of all types and sizes as well as for the functional edges of punches. However, thanks to this new technology, the company is planning further applications in the future. OMNI-X
3D robotic pipe and tube technology increases bending specialist’s capabilities
AS part of an overall investment in its production facilities, Sharpe Products, a specialist in tube and pipe fabrication, has recently added to its technology stack with a JENOPTIK-Votan BIM fibre optic, robotic cutting machine. The new machine is used to reach, turn and cut complex 3D components and is built for multi-axis pipe and tube fabrication.
“This new technology adds strength to our laser cutting and bending capabilities, allowing us to increase efficiencies and reduce time-to-market for numerous job specifications,” said Paul Krickeberg, president and CEO of Sharpe Products. With this capability, features such as holes, slots or notches can be added after the bending process, eliminating costly tooling and secondary operations
such as machining, coping and drilling, thereby helping to reduce lead times and manage costs. Adding to its existing line- up of fibre optic laser cutting machines, the JENOPTIK-Votan BIM is well-suited for automotive exhaust and heavy equipment and industrial applications. Sharpe Products
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