TPT November 2007
Industry News
FMA gambling on success in Las Vegas
Following two thriving intervening shows in Cleveland (2004) and Atlanta (2006), the organisers of Fabtech and the AWS Welding show have revealed the 2008 show will be held in Las Vegas from 6-8 October. With a larger show held every odd year in Chicago, Fabtech’s sojourn to Las Vegas is expected to take advantage of the city’s reputation as a successful and popular venue for trade shows. Las Vegas hosts the largest number of trade shows and has become one of the top business destinations in the world. The city welcomes over 6 million convention and trade show delegates a year. The announcement to take the show to Las Vegas for the first time signals the show organiser’s long-term plans to rotate the event between the USA’s midwest, southeast, and west coast.
This year’s Chicago event in November is promising to be one of the best ever shows on record, and should provide a great launch pad for the 2008 event in Las Vegas. Fabtech is co-sponsored by the Fabricators & Manufacturers Association, International (FMA), Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), and American Welding Society (AWS).
› The glitz and glamour of Las Vegas should provide an interesting and entertaining host city for all those attending the event in 2008
“After much research and careful consideration, we concluded Las Vegas has the potential to attract a high number of attendees that traditionally do not visit this show when it’s held in other locations like Chicago,” added FMA president Mr Jerry Shankel. AWS executive director Mr Ray Shook supports the decision to hold the show in Las Vegas. “Welding technology touches a vast number of applications and vocations. Many welding and cutting companies have participated in other Las Vegas trade shows,” said Mr Shook. “We are excited to participate in a metal fabrication show west of the Rockies,” said Mr Burke Doar, vice president of sales and marketing for Trumpf Inc, “No other city in the US does a better job of attracting exhibitors and attendees than Las Vegas.” “We plan to provide all of their exhibitors and attendees with their greatest trade show experience yet,” said Mr Chris Meyer, vice president of convention centre sales, Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. Future show dates and locations for Fabtech include a return to Chicago from 15-18 November, 2009, and Atlanta again from 2-4 November, 2010. Fabricators & Manufacturers Association International (FMA) – USA Fax : +1 815 484 7701 Email : Website :
It is the only annual North American event dedicated to showcasing a full spectrum of sheet metal forming and fabricating, tube/pipe and welding equipment and technology. The organisers predict that around 20,000 people from around the world will visit more than 800 exhibits at the Las Vegas Convention Center. “Our customers expressed interest in a West Coast location for the Fabtech International & AWS Welding Show several years ago. Exhibitors wanted an opportunity to reach the large number of metal fabricating technology users located in the western region of the US,” said SME executive director Mr Mark Tomlinson. fi Las Vegas will welcome the Fabtech and AWS Welding Show in 2008
Las Vegas has become one of the top business destinations in the world...and welcomes over 6 million show delegates a year
Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) – USA
Fax : +1 313 425 3400 Website :
N ovember /D ecember 2007
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