TPT November 2007
Combilift Ltd Ireland Booth 24080
Combilift Ltd is a specialist in the long load handling sector. The company’s versatile 4-way forklifts provide safe and space-saving handling in confined spaces, particularly in the tube and pipe, fabricating and manufacturing sectors. The design of the Combilift truck enables it to perform the work of a combination of other forklifts, saving time on double handling of product and expense on capital
outlay for multiple trucks such as sideloaders, reach trucks and counterbalance forklifts. Sideways transportation of long loads in narrow aisles eliminates the hazardous practice of high level transportation above machinery or personnel. Resting the load on the platform also increases load stability, further contributing to improved health and safety procedures.
U p g r a d e y o u r
• Spiral Pipe On/Offline Technology • Pipe-End Bevelling Machines • Final Welding Stands • Hydrostatic Testing Machines • Pipe Handling and Transport Systems We plan, develop, produce and deliver complete systems or update your existing machinery for more efficiency.Use best German Know-How for your productivity and competitivity. e x i s t i n g s p i r a l p i p e p l a n t !
› Combilift produces versatile forklifts for safe and efficient product handling
Combilift manufactures a range of models with load capacities from 5,000lb to 30,000lb, powered by diesel, LPG or electric. The 4-wheel steer GT stand-on forklift for very narrow aisle operation is available in LPG, with 6,000lb or 10,000lb capacities. As with all Combilift models, it can be used both indoors and outside, for convenient handling of stock throughout the premises. It is also suitable for guided rail operations, to ensure fast and accurate picking and positioning with reduced risk of stock damage.
Website :
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Continental Cut-Off Machines USA Booth 22027
Continental Cut-Off Machines, USA, will display its model #6A cut-off machine and series 500 support system at Fabtech International 2007. This cut-off machine is one of seven different cut-off machines that are offered by the company. The company’s machine range is based on the rotary concept of cutting pipe and tube without material waste. Established in 1919, this concept has developed into an effective production method for tube and pipe cutting, regardless of lot sizes. Continental offers two types of rotary cut-off machines – manual and air operated. A variety of tube and pipe diameters and lengths can be handled efficiently by either type of machine. Manual rotary cut-off machines provide an economical option for shops with intermittent cutting operations or with frequent changeovers for cutting a variety of sizes.
ATIS GmbH Im Gewerbegebiet 8, D-88693 Deggenhausertal, Germany Phone: 0049 (0) 7555 - 927510, Fax: 0049 (0) 7555 - 927530 E-Mail:, Web:
N ovember /D ecember 2007
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