TPT November 2007
Some like it hot …
· S C H E N K · H E A T - R E S I S T A N T T U B E S
inter alia for industrial furnace construction, petrochemical industry, power stations, oil and gas industry, recycling/refuse incinerators, measuring and control technology Heat-Resistant Stainless Steel Tubes
Rohre Bogen Fittings Tubes ends
Stäbe Bleche Profile Bars Sh ets
TP 32/27 TP 321 H Alloy 600 Alloy 601 Alloy 625 Alloy 825
1.4877 1.4878 2.4816 2.4851 2.4856 2.4858
TP 327 TP 309 TP 314
1.4821 1.4828
1.4713 1.4720 1.4724 1.4742 1.4749 1.4762
TP 409 TP 405 TP 430 TP 446 TP 446
1.4841 TP 310s 1.4845 TP 330 1.4864 Alloy 800 1.4876
fi s
· S C H E N K · H I T Z E B E S T Ä N D I G E R O H R E Schenk Stahl GmbH C H E A T - R E S I S T A N T T U B E S
Schenk Stahl GmbH P.O. Box 27 03 38, D-40526 Düsseldorf, Germany Tel: +49 21 31 230-37, Fax: +49 21 31 230-35,
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