TPT November 2007
Industry News
OMK supply LDP for Nord Stream subsea section
Langbow announce expansion of premises
Following the May launch of its mill 5000, United Metallurgical Company (OMK), one of Russia’s largest producers of pipes, is preparing for commercial production of large diameter pipes (LDP) for the subsea section of the Nord Stream project. Since Vyksa Steel Works (VSW) – part of OMK – joined the Nord Stream project, it has produced and delivered over 250,000t of LDP for gas pipeline construction.OMK president Mr Vladimir Markin said, “ In April,
OMK became Russia’s and the CIS’s first DNV-OS-F101 certified producer of pipes for subsea pipeline systems. ” OMK has also secured its first order for 1,500t of 914mm LDP from Petroleum Development of Oman (PDO). The company plans to increase LDP production to 2 million tonnes by 2010. United Metallurgical Company – Russia
Machine supplier Langbow, UK, which moved to its current premises in 2006, has acquired the adjacent unit, for use as a working showroom. The company’s newly acquired premises will be known as Soco UK, and will provide the facility for running trials on new Soco machines as well as demonstrating new and used machinery. The company reports that levels of sales and enquiries have increased significantly on both new and used machinery, and that demand for the new Soco range of tube bending machines has been very active, along with a thriving used machine refurbishment programme.
Fax : +7 495 231 77 63 Website :
› Langbow has expanded its premises to enable an increase in the company’s machinery stock
Langbow provides aftersales service as part of the package, not only for machines, but on product development, tooling and training. Director Mr Mark Smith commented, “ We specialise in training and development of parts to enable even totally new customers to tube bending the comfort and support in venturing into this area. Our aim is to remove the ‘black art’ from the process of tube bending. ” The company also states that its five year warranty, giving customers peace of mind on all parts and labour costs, is also a significant factor in its recent success.
Langbow Limited – UK Fax : +44 1889 578872 Email : Website :
N ovember /D ecember 2007
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