TPT May 2018
Taylor-Wilson Hydrostatic Pipe Tester
Taylor-Wilson hydrostatic pipe testing machinery has always been at the forefront of the industry, and Fives strives daily to bring you superior technology and safety that you can rely on. The versatility of the tester allows it to accommodate many different end conditions and pipe lengths, and multiple sealing device options. Fives’ technology permits fast and accurate test pressure build times, specially designed intensifiers for greater stability during test-hold periods.
— Single, double and triple head machines for enhanced productivity — Tests with stable pressure of 35 bars (500 psi) to over 1,750 bars (25,000 psi). — Automatic testing of a complete API range of pipe lengths without resetting the machine. — Drop-in quick tooling change, can accommodate a 4:1 O.D. variation in a single unit. — Tube and Pipe
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