TPT May 2018
EWM AG embraces Industry 4.0 EWM AG is making significant ad- vancements in the digitisation and development of welding production. The Germany-based supplier of arc welding technology offers many products and solutions that meet the modern production process requirements in the age of Industry 4.0. Among these are the Welding 4.0 management software ewm Xnet and the new MIG/MAG multi- process welding machine Titan XQ. driving the development of innovative technology solutions in the field of welding production. ewm Xnet is one example: the Welding 4.0 welding management system ensures added value in welding-related production. The latest evolution of the software assists with organisation of production, planning, quality manage- ment and welding personnel in one coherent system. Welding companies of all sizes benefit from the numerous advantages that Industry 4.0 offers.
Many companies are facing the challenge of equipping their operations for the future with an intelligent man- machine network that increases productivity. The resulting analysis of all process data makes unused potential visible and provides a decisive advantage on the global market. As Germany’s largest supplier of arc welding technology EWM has been
EWM is working on new products and solutions that meet the complex requirements of networked welding production. Titan XQ is the new flagship MIG/MAG multi-process welding machine from EWM and is seamlessly integrated into this concept. With wide-ranging network capabili- ties, the welding machine is part of the Internet of Things. The machine provides welding data via the ewm Xnet management system interfaces. It recognises potential for optimisation and allows for the advancement of individual components, processes and entire company departments. Big data becomes a reality with the automatic documentation and evaluation of welding parameters. With the Welding 4.0 solutions from EWM the customer’s facility becomes a ‘Smart Factory’. For all new developments the welding technology manufacturer relies on intuitive, self-explanatory controls to efficiently design the man-machine interface. Use of the new, intelligent PM welding allowance and sizing reduction. There are completely different strip widths for different standards and uses of steel pipe too. The sizing reduction of surfaces will not lead to an increase of wall thickness and there might be a little increase of the r angle area (depending on the circumstances).This will not have much effect on the overall weight. There are also factors that are difficult to predict: for example, whether to change rollers for the square-square mill and how many sets of rollers there should be. All of these factors can make a difference to the strip width. Generally the wider the specification range of the
welding torch, for example, brings this interface directly into the welder’s hand and, therefore, even closer to the weld seam. This means that the user always has an eye on important parameters such as gas or wire supply while welding. With the digitisation of all welding ma- chines with intelligent microprocessors, and network connections, EWM meets all the requirements for process data collection. This information can be displayed in the user’s primary systems via standardised industrial interfaces, such as OPC-UA. This allows for machine efficiency analysis and preventative maintenance.
EWM AG – Germany Email: Website: Why square-square saves more materials EMW is embracing Industry 4.0
roller production, the more effect it has on the strip width. There is no calculation formula that works every time, and the theoretical strip width from the manufacturer usually tends to be conservative. The factory will often revise it constantly during production. It depends on the increase or decrease of the product wall thickness, and whether it wastes or saves material, so it does not make sense to measure the performance of the mill by strip width.
THE term 'square-square' means making the strip steel directly into square pipe, instead of first making it into round pipe and then into square. For the same specification, and the same length, square-square pipe is lighter than round-square tube, according to research by Dalian Field. In 2002 a Dalian Field customer got a surprising result by weighing his square- square pipe and finding that it was 2 to 6 per cent lighter. Dalian Field said that it finds that customers often ask questions about the strip width, and there are many factors that affect the strip width such as
Dalian Field – China Email: Website:
MAY 2018
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