Tube scarf ing systems & tools
ID scarfing with less
power consumption
ELECTRONIC Heating Equipment’s
(EHE) Canticut ID scarfing system is
designed to enable the impeders to
be fully integrated into the ID mandrel.
It is claimed that this can reduce weld
power consumption by up to 30 per
cent compared with other ID scarfing
Supporting the scarfing tool on
a cantilever removes the need for
internal rolls. This key feature ensures
that the mandrel covers a wide range of
tube sizes and eliminates the problem
of rolling weld spume or other debris
into the tube wall. A Canticut unit can
ID scarf pipe sizes ranging from 4.5" to
26" OD using only two mandrels.
Recent improvements include a
hydraulically actuated bead chopper to
cut the stinger into manageable lengths
for easy removal from the pipe. The use
of newer high-strength alloys results
in mandrels with increased rigidity and
strength, while reducing weight
and allowing more space to be
used for impeders.
mounting stand is now
available with position sensors,
including outputs to PLC/HDMI
for precise repeatability, and to
efficiently optimise set up time.
Interchangeable tool holders
and bead chopping heads can reduce
mill down-time and allow the use of a
wide variety of cutting tool styles to suit
different grades of material and user
In addition to the Canticut scarfing
systems, EHE supplies impeders and
impeder clusters for induction welders;
premium-quality ferrite that is specially
manufactured to high standards; and
a wide range of off-the-shelf and
custom-built coils. EHE manufactures
and stocks impeders ranging in size
from 5 to over 200mm in
diameter, and in lengths up to
Impeders are available
with several types of outer
Silglass™ and Ferroglass™.
The range includes through-
flow impeders, return-flow
impeders, impeder support
systems, integral mandrel
impeders, hollow impeders,
rectangular impeders for
large mills, impeder clusters
and custom impeders for
special applications. Good
coil design is important in achieving
the high efficiency offered by solid-
state welders. EHE coils are available
to suit all types of induction welding
equipment. The coils are fabricated
from 99.9 per cent pure, oxygen-free,
high-conductivity copper, with silver
brazed joints and advanced cooling
systems. Some larger coils use spray
cooling, which reduces the risk of ‘hot
Ferrite is a critical component in
an impeder. EHE ferrite is specially
made to the company’s stringent
specifications, and offers claimed
advantages that include lower losses,
higher saturation flux density, and
higher Curie temperature. EHE ferrite
needs less than half the cooling time of
other types, which means the impeder
operates at a lower temperature,
increasing its working life. This in turn
means fewer impeder changes and
less mill downtime.
Electronic Heating Equipment Inc
Fax: +1 360 829 0170
www.impeder.comCanticut ID
scarfing systems
with cantilevered
mandrel technology
OD tools and inserts
with long-life CVD-
coated carbide
Modular tube ID scarfing systems
MANY tube mills need flexible pro-
duction to meet the requirements of
their customers. Alpha Metall provides
a modular mechanical tube ID scarfing
system that offers technical solutions for
common tube ID 10-100mm. For tube ID
26-620mm the hydraulic tube ID scarfing
technology it offers is state-of-the-art.
Both technologies have been approved
in the market for more than 30 years. The
operation and training involved in the
mechanical tube ID scarfing systems are
easy, investment costs are competitive
and the basic mechanical spare parts
are available from Alpha Metall stock.
Alpha Metall commissioning includes
staff training and fine adjustment for
perfect tube ID results. Customers can
request an Alpha Metall tube ID scarfing
system with a list of all the tube OD with
corresponding wall thicknesses and
steel grades. Inquiries on non-standard
customised tube ID scarfing systems
are also welcome.
Alpha Metall GmbH & Co KG
Fax: +49 6831 506958