TPT May 2013
Washing & cleaning technology
Optimising production capacities THE products of Sinico Machine Tool Manufacturing, Italy, have a wide field of application and versatility, and have been instrumental in rapidly expanding Sinico’s market in many countries around the world. component, for standard applications or tailored to the customer’s specific needs.
different units of measurement, part shape and cleaning control options are also available. The main features of the latest generation of Sinico machines are: ease of use; performance; quick setup and automatic positioning of units; optimised cutting process; connection with LAN and WAN; self-diagnostics with built- in graphics; user info, maintenance data and functional diagrams viewable on PC; and the option of installing SPC (Statistical Process Control) and messenger (email/SMS) systems in case of machine alarm, as well as remote servicing with web cam. Sinico Machine Tool Manufacturing Srl – Italy
Sinico is specialised in the design and manufacture of automatic rotary transfer cut-off and end-finishing machines, suitable for producing medium and large series of metal parts from tubes, bars, coils, forgings and blanks. End-finishing operations commonly performed with chip-removing machine tools include facing, chamfering, centring, turning, drilling, threading, tapping, milling, grooving and splining, as well as shaping operations such as flaring, tapering, rolling, pressing, marking and knurling. Sinico machines can handle all metal materials (steel, stainless steel, aluminium, copper, brass, titanium, Inconel, etc), and all operations are carried out in one chucking. Various
As a result, the company has secured over 1,500 orders, delivered to companies working in a range of different sectors, such as firms in the business of producing components for cars, bicycles, motorbikes, electrical motors, household appliances, power transmissions, hydraulics, pneumatics, pipe fittings, earth moving machinery, chains, tools, rods, nuts and bolts, bearings, dies, doors and windows, and furniture, in addition to contractors. In Sinico’s offices and workshop, single- or double-bar machines are designed, developed and produced, down to the very last mechanical
Fax: +39 0444 644857 Email: Website:
Fire-resistant, polyol ester-based hydraulic fluid
QUAKER Chemical Corporation has obtained approval from the German Steel Institute (VDEh) for Quintolubric ® 888-68 fluid. With the VDEh approval, Quaker says that it is the first fire-resistant hydraulic fluid manufacturer to meet the new, more stringent standards for polyol ester-based hydraulic fluids issued by the leading German association. After a year of data collection and extensive laboratory testing, Quintolubric 888-68 successfully passed the new SEB 181 224 specification. “The process was supervised by German Steel Institute (VDEh) and there was a lot of re- testing involved,” commented Ronald Knecht, OEM manager, fluid power – EMEA. “But we passed all re-tests in one go, and are now the only manufacturer of polyol ester-based fire resistant hydraulic fluids that has been approved.” The new SEB 181 224 specification was issued in 2011 by VDEh’s Hydraulic Fluids Committee, as a spin-off of the ISO 12922 international standard, which was developed to increase safety in steel mills.
Quaker Chemical Corp – USA Fax: +1 610 832 8682 Email: Website:
Pouring of molten steel in the foundry with nearby hydraulic fluid hoses
M ay 2013
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