TPT May 2013

Technology News

OTO SpA new technology: hollow shapes universal forming

to change the whole set of rolls. This means that set up requires a lot of time in conventional mills. What If a designer could guarantee the possibility to produce hollow sections within a certain range of dimensions and thickness without changing rolls, saving set up time, rolls management time and reducing to zero the space required to store rolls series? This is exactly what new OTO HSU mills are able to do: they can save time and space because changeover time is drastically reduced and no rolls change is required. Rolls investment is reduced because customers will use the same set to cover the whole range of production. The mills are automatically set up with a simple command by the operator. The total time required after the mill has been emptied from the strip to adjust cages for new production is less than 17 minutes in the biggest mill (OTO HSU 1206), passing from the minimum size to the maximum size or vice versa. The high automation achieved in the design of the HSU mill allows the operator to reach the highest quality standards, and avoiding scratches and marks on the tube with the possibility to vary the radius of the corners within the values ​​set by Standard UNI–EN10219-2 2006. It is important not to forget that use of the HSU technology allows an average saving of material of about 3 per cent. This means that on an annual production of 50,000 tons, the savings can reach more than € 700,000. There is a wide possibility in range of production. OTO SpA has designed, tested and commissioned three HSU mills: OTO HSU 403, OTO HSU 604 and OTO HSU 1206. Thanks to the quick changeover and set up time and the lack of rolls management, it is possible to satisfy many different requests coming from customers and greatly reduce the stock of finished products. OTO said that the HSU mills help customers to work more efficiently.

deforming them into the required hollow shapes with specific dimensions, using turkheads or sometimes four rolls cages in sizing sections. When changing the length of the perimeter of the hollow section and its thickness, most of the time you need

OTO SpA has developed its own new technology for universal hollow shapes forming. Most people in the tube market know that hollow shapes are produced using conventional tube mills, forming and welding rounds first, and then

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M ay 2013

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