TPT May 2012
V OL 25 N O 3
M AY /J UNE 2012
Tube Russia 2012
Cutting, sawing & profiling technology
Inspection, testing & quality control
Economic conditions for the trade fairs Tube Russia, Metallurgy- Litmash, and Aluminium/Non- Ferrous, to be held from 28 to 31 May 2012 in Moscow, are improving. Despite an extremely difficult economic environment over the past few years, the industry is now looking to the future with a fair amount of optimism thanks to the constantly improving investment climate in Russia.
Today, an average-size or even a small tube and pipe plant is likely to command impressive cutting capacity, with a single highly flexible machine able to cut a variety of profiles either at the end of the tube or along its length. Employing one tool in a single cycle to cut round, square, rectangular, flat, oval, and virtually any other form, the unit will outperform cutters that only recently were state-of-the-art.
Producers of tubes face strict government and industry regulations that hold them liable for lapses in quality. Tube makers to the automotive industry must provide product that holds tight tolerances. Plastic tube manufacturers, even as they meet challenges as diverse as the markets and customers they serve and are under a concomitant obligation to substantiate their claims.
120 The development of AUTO-DNSA mills and ERW tube mills By Guowu Gao, chief engineer, FD Machinery, China
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