TPT May 2012
I nspection & T esting
Hybrid inspection system checks material and contour at the same time
AT Medtec 2012, Pixargus will introduce its all-in-one solution for optical inline inspection of medical tubing. Being a dual- head system, it combines the newAllroundia system for fast and precise inspection of the tubing contours and the proven Medictube system for checking the material walls for irregularities such as inclusions or bubbles. In the past, tubing material could only be checked offline on a random basis or manually, involving a high degree of uncertainty. Now, with the new system, it is possible to inspect the complete material in real time during production. The system automatically sorts out any flaw material, relieving the operators in their final inspection activities. TECHNOLOGY Design manufactures and supplies advanced industrial ultrasonic systems. Based in the UK with a manufacturing base in Cheshire, and with distributorships worldwide, the TD range of systems may be found in a wide range of engineering sectors, including aerospace, defence, education and research, manufacturing, mining, oil and gas, power generation and transport. The TD Pocket-Scan ® miniature acquisition unit is available in two versions, providing eight connections for ToFD and pulse echo, and literally fits into a pocket. It is remotely controlled by a laptop computer via either a PCMCIA card (PS) or Ethernet (PS45). The Pocket-Scan is widely used for corrosion mapping and hydrogen damage surveys as part of the TD Corrosion Mapping Kit, which employs video tracking technology instead of contact encoders. It may also be used for a variety of other applications and has 2-axis positional encoding capability. TD Handy-Scan ® is a multi-functional instrument that boasts 64:32 element phased array and eight ToFD/pulse echo
According to Björn Lindner, managing director of Pixargus, the new dual-head system provides major benefits for both manufacturers and users of tubing: “Using this new solution, our customers can now at the same time check the interior of the tubing material – for bubbles, holes, cracks, impurities or inclusions – and measure the outside contours by a multi-axis system. This guarantees that only perfectly flawless material is sold.” Medictube detects bubbles, holes or inclusions in the material. The new integrated pattern-recognition feature now also identifies structures inside the tubing material, such as spirals embedded in semi- transparent, shape-retaining suction hoses. connections with 2-axis encoders. The Handy-Scan is fully integrated with on-board PC and ultrasonic electronics with an 8.5" screen in a portable enclosure weighing less than 6kg. In addition, the Handy-Scan Rx is designed to environmentally protected IP 65 standard, with a bright, daylight-readable screen. Battery or mains supply operated, the portable instrument is suitable for use in access-restricted locations. The Handy-Scan can be used with phased array, pulse echo and/or ToFD simultaneously and is supplied with the ESBeamtool ® ray tracing software pre- installed. Scan plans and setups developed in ESBeamtool can be imported directly into the TD-Scan software, which provides an extra level of versatile functionality. TD Focus-Scan ® is the flagship system in the TD range of instruments, and is available is several versions: 16 conventional probe connections for ToFD and pulse echo with either 64:32, 128:16, 128:32 or 128:64 phased array. The unit can also be supplied as a 16 channel ToFD/pulse echo system without phased array called the TD-Scan. This option is suitable for users on a tight
The system checks the shape of the spirals and triggers an alarm as soon as deviations are identified. Allroundia for the first time combines the functions of a “high-speed node controller” with those of a “high-precision diameter and ovality inspection system” into one reasonably priced device. The system measures the outside contour of the tubing in three axes and performs diameter and ovality inspections with an accuracy of 1 to 2µm at a rate of up to 36,000 measurements per second. Pixargus GmbH – Germany
Email: Website: Industrial ultrasonic systems
budget who need capacity and motion control but also the option to upgrade later. Additional facilities include on-board 2-axis motor control and positional encoding, pre- installed ESBeamtool, split phased array connectors to accommodate both sides of a weld simultaneously, large built-in 10.5" screen, full QWERTY keypad with shortcut keys, and four USB ports. Both the Handy-Scan and Focus-Scan include Ethernet, USB and VGA ports. The systems can be fully controlled remotely via an Ethernet link, which facilitates placing the UT electronics at the workface and establishing a remote control station – a popular solution in manufacturing environments and AUT applications. The systems may be used to establish scan plans on simple or complex geometries. The setup parameters and test item geometry may then be exported directly to TD-Scan software. Technology Design Ltd – UK
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M ay 2012
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