TPT May 2010

C ontents

E ditorial I ndex ............. 0 2 I ndustry N ews ............. 0 6 T echnology U pdate . .... 0 40 G lobal M arketplace .... 0 78 A dvertisers I ndex ........ 0 112

Planes, trains and automobiles Welcome to the latest issue of Tube & Pipe Technology magazine, which this month focuses on fittings, couplings and tubular joints and welding technology, equipment and consumables as well as all the very latest industry and technology news. I hope you enjoy the magazine. It’s always the biggest event on the calendar and this year was no exception for my first Tube 2010 in Düsseldorf, which received a very healthy turn out on the first four days and it was great to meet so many of you and to see such a vast array of innovative machines in operation and spread over such a huge space – as a few sore feet in the office will testify to. I look forward to meeting some familiar faces again at the next event in two years ’ time, which, hot off the press today, has been confirmed as being held on 26-30 March 2012. Sadly, most of our UK staff had to leave early on Friday morning due to the volcano. It ’ s not since school that I have used an errupting vulcano as an excuse for anything, but for anyone who was expecting to see us on the Friday please accept our apologies, although I assure you it takes something fairly dramatic for us to desert our post. I hope our more than capable team of translators were able to help you with any queries about the magazine but if not please feel free to contract me personally and I will endeavour to help. The explosive events meant we had a long coach trip and ferry ride home rather

F ront C over S tory Meccanica Adda Fer

than by air, but I know we were fortunate to get home on time at all with some people still trapped abroad up to a week later or forced to take additional flights to alternative airports, which I am sure took its toll. I hope you stalwarts at the show that final day managed to make the most of it and that everyone managed to get home one way or another. Rory McBride, editor, Tube & Pipe Technology

was established in 1990 with a purpose to re-sell machinery that had been disposed of by the family company after extensive revisions and revamping operations.

May2010 |Vol23No3 |US$33




This proved to be a winning idea and

Editor • Rory McBride Features editor (USA) • Dorothy Fabian

Published by : Intras Publications , 46 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, CV32 4HY, UK Tel : +44 1926 334137 • Fax : +44 1926 314755 Email : Website : USA Office (Editorial only) : Intras Limited, 272 First Ave, Apt 12G, New York, NY 10009, USA Tel/Fax : +1 212 614 9266 Email : Indian Office : Jintras Ltd, Subarna (Ground Floor) P21/N, Block A New Alipore, Kolkata 700 053, India Tel : +91 33 2407 0701 • Fax : +91 33 2407 0700 Email : All rights reserved – © Intras Ltd ISSN 0953-2366 This publication and its full contents of layout, text, images, and graphics is copyright protected. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any other storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s written permission. The publisher, owners, agents, printers, editors and contributors cannot be held responsible for and hereby exclude all liability whatsoever for errors, omissions or the accuracy and claims printed or inferred in the editorial or advertisements published in this, previous or subsequent editions or for any damages, costs or losses caused thereby. Tube & Pipe Technology reserves the right to edit, reword and subedit all editorial submissions in accordance with editorial policy. Tube & Pipe Technology expressed graphically or by text is a registered name and style trademark of Intras Ltd, UK. All matters relating to this disclaimer are governed by the laws of England.

the revised machines were soon successfully installed in several countries abroad. With this extensive know how and its remarkable levels of customer loyalty Meccanica Adda Fer started to project and manufacture complete new plant systems after conducting technical feasibility studies: coil cutting lines, electro-welded pipe forming lines, pipe finishing plants, hydraulic test and pipe packing systems have been built and installed throughout the five continents of the world. The production lines for electro-welded pipes using cold-forming processes are the company’s core business. The machines are designed to require simple and basic adjustments and can be equipped with additional parts, automatic regulations and controls to automate the line further and to produce high quality pipes.

• Christian Bradley

Editorial assistant

• Lisa Benjamin


• Catherine Sayers English speaking sales • Giuliana Benedetto Italian sales • Hendrike Morriss German speaking sales • Linda Li Chinese sales • Jeroo Vandrevala Indian sales

Sales & marketing

• Liz Hughes

Advertising co-ordinators

• Andrea McIntosh

• Liz Hughes


• Richard Babbedge

Accounts manager

• Caroline Sullens


• John C Hogg


US Copies only: Tube & Pipe Technology (ISSN No: 0953-2366) is published bi-monthly by INTRAS Ltd and distributed in the US by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Tube & Pipe Technology , PO Box 437, Emigsville PA 17318-0437.

Tube & Pipe Technology magazine is available on subscription, or via membership of the International Tube Association – See for more membership benefits

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