TPT May 2007
T ube R ussia – 28 - 31 M ay , 2007 ›››
The company’s machine range includes bending and post bending presses, tack welding machines and calibration presses for large SAW pipes, 3 and 4 roll bending machines, straightening presses, end bevelling machines, and hydrotesters.
The charging device, usually the loading drum, is equipped with perfectly operated drivers. This ensures that the piercing stem is supported for easy lining of the tubes, requiring no operator intervention. The plugs are rotating, and the operator can thus control the whole surface of the plug. The piercing stems are supported directly in front of the die, so there is no danger of the plug falling into the dies. The die frame is supplied with a drawing block, with availability of a second drawing block if desired. In this case one drawing block can be supplied with dies, with the second used for drawing.
Website :
› A 3,000kN tube-drawing bench
Haginger GmbH & Co KG Austria
Stand FO-D39
A semi-automatic handling system can be used to manipulate the drawing block. Meanwhile, the whole working process can be controlled from the operation desk. If short drawing lengths are desired, the drive of the straight drawing machine is undertaken with hydraulic cylinder or spindle. If long drawing lengths are desired, the drive is undertaken with chain or gear rack. The drive with gear rack has the important advantage that the push is dampened because of the big mass of the gear rack. Therefore, drawing is carried out with less vibration and noise.
Haginger GmbH & Co KG are the manufacturers of drawing machines for drawing tube, rod and profiles in copper, brass, aluminium and super conductors. For the drawing of super conductors, the company has developed a new, special handling system. In the planning of the company’s drawing plants, particular attention was paid to ergonomic and easy working conditions. The draw operator has a vantage point to view the separation, plugs and drawing die and thus control the tubes before they arrive at the collecting stanchions.
fi Haginger’s complete 1,600kN tube drawing plant including handling and swaging machine
Website :
M ay /J une 2007
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