TPT May 2007

Technology Update

Klöckner decided to use the Rasacheck measuring module because of the necessity for master inspection plans, including given frequencies of sample measuring. Without this, every piece would need to be taken out of the process and manually checked on a measuring bench. RSA GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 2351 995 300 Email : Website : Klöckner GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax : +49 3304 394 8308 Email : Website : Sanderson TubePerforators now part of the AddisonMckee range Global tube bending and end-forming technology providers, AddisonMckee, have extended their product range to include the renowned Sanderson series of tube perforators. The models will be branded as AddisonMckee TubePerforators™.

design and quantity production, parts easily designed via a user-friendly HMI system, and simple commands for custom design and placement of perforations. They also provide an on-screen status bar showing the amount of material removed, percentage flow and percentage of cross section removed. With a unique, fast-cycle rolling action for effortlessly punching 64 holes per revolution, they provide readily available consumable punches. Mr Christian Rogiers, AddisonMckee’s director of global marketing, commented, “The result of some six years of intensive research and development, Sanderson Tube Perforators provide a significant leap forward in technology and represent the next generation in tube perforating procedures.”

› A Sanderson tube perforating machine, now part of the AddisonMckee range

As part of the development process of AddisonMckee Sanderson Tube Perforating Machines, special focus was placed on tool change efficiency, with complete tool change possible in less than 15 minutes. Meeting or exceeding exceptionally stringent industry standards, all models feature easy set-up and programming. Available in 75mm (3") and 150mm (6") solutions, the TubePerforator models offer a range of features. These include axes servo-controlled for simple prototype

AddisonMckee Ltd – UK Fax : +44 1772 323227

Email : Website : AddisonMckee Inc – USA Fax : +1 937 382 4963 Email :


M ay /J une 2007

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