TPT May 2007
T ube B ending, H ydroforming & E nd- Fo rming
the operation is complete. The BA direct radius program automatically blends the straight and the radius and generates a graphic representation. Running existing programs can be just as simple. When selecting programs, the name and graphic representation are displayed at the same time for quick reference. The operator is only required to select a part type and operate the ‘load’ control, whereby production will be set up. The Eagle Bending Machines/BPR Curvatrici BA CNC series servo controlled roll bending machines are capable of precisely compensating for material differences that more basic types of CNC roll bending machines cannot match. Typical setup time for repeat work averages 5 minutes for tooling and program changeover. Cycle times range from 10 seconds to 45 seconds per part depending upon the degree of complexity.
Servo controlled roll bending of parts
The Eagle Bending Machines/BPR Curvatrici BA CNC series offers substantial precision and control using a unique set of servo roll bending controls. The models BA20, BA35, and BA50 are capable of producing variable radius bends as large as required down to a 4-5D degree bend range that overlaps non-mandrel rotary compression bending. fi Eagle Bending Machines offers a range of servo controlled roll bending machines
The BA CNC series of servo controlled roll bending machines can be used by manufacturers who currently utilise CNC rotary bending equipment. One set of tube or pipe rolls can be used on the machines to cover an infinite radius range. Multiple bends and bend-plains are possible with this economical method, which compares very well against multi-axis controlled rotary compression benders. Complex parts with multiple radii can be easily programmed in just a few lines with the machine. Shortcut function key commands are conveniently displayed for quick reference at the top of each function screen. Programming is made even easier via the ‘DXF’ key, which converts a dxf file into a program. Automated Pro Bending BPR Direct Radius Software selects the optimal machine speed for the quickest production time for the given part. The handy ‘figures’ function screen contains a large assortment of standard shapes. For instance, to create a ‘U’ shape, ‘arch 1’ can be selected. The procedure involves the input of radius and length of the straight, followed by sequencing of the load whereby
Eagle Bending Machines – USA Fax : +1 251 937 4742
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Everything from one source... • CNC and 1-axis controlled tube bending machines • Assembly machines for hydraulic tube processing • Pipe measuring systems • System solution for automated template pipe production
• Software solutions for the piping industry 4 efficient 4 innovative 4 precise 4 reliable
Plant 2 · Hunold-Rump-Str. 76-80 · D-57368 Lennestadt · Tel: +49 (0) 2725 / 95 40-0 · Fax: +49 (0) 2725 / 95 40-39 · E-mail: · T H E O N LY C H O I C E F O R P E R F E C T P I P E I N S TA L L AT I O N S TRACTO-TECHNIK GmbH Hunold-Ru p-Str. 76-80 • D-57368 Lennestadt Tel: +49 (0) 2725 / 95 40-0 • Fax: 95 40-33 • Email: E R S T E W A L F Ü R P E R F E K T E R O H R V E R L E G U
M ay /J une 2007
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