TPT March 2021
Xiris opens new welding lab for testing advanced cameras
XIRIS Automation, a specialist in weld cameras, has opened a welding lab to test its latest cameras. In the past, the cameras have been tested with the help of local colleges, distributors and end user customers who have lent their time and welding space to the company. Now, as the Xiris company has continued to grow, the company has built its own welding lab at its headquarters in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. The lab includes 25m 2 of weld space, complete with a combo MIG/TIG/Stick welder and a rotating positioner, allowing Xiris to do continuous welds and make parameter changes to the weld image on the fly. Xiris said: “When developing new weld camera hardware and software, we need to do extensive testing. Our new welding lab allows us to do testing of the cameras, in-house on different welding setups, as much as required. This means we can better
develop imaging technologies to solve real world welding problems for various types of weld processes, materials and configurations. This testing can also include trials of new software functions on live welds for testing different imaging parameters.” With its own welding lab, Xiris can now train its employees and custom- ers on different setups and configur- ations of the weld cameras and relat- ed software technology. The team can spend as much time as they need to per- fect new technologies and applications, so they are able to share their knowledge and expertise in the field. Xiris’ weld video library will continue to grow as it tests new configurations of weld processes, techniques and materials. These videos will be recorded in-house and the welding video library will continue to grow in size as an educational resource for
Xiris can now test its cameras in a specialist lab
instructors and students. With the new in-house welding lab, Xiris will be able to push its product range and quality of its weld imaging systems to an even higher level. Xiris Automation
MARCH 2021
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