TPT March 2020
The international magazine for the tube and pipe industry
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
MARCH 2020
VOL 33 NO 2
Tube 2020 Düsseldorf Special Issue
FIMI Group is able to project, build and install tailor-made turnkey plants for the production of API pipes with outside diameter in the range from 13 up to 508 mm, according to Customer’s specifications based on production speed and wall thickness.
> Electro-Welded API Tube Mills > Strip Joint Benches > Strip Accumulators > Milling Cut-Off Units > Hydrostatic Tube Tester > End Facing & Chamfering Units
> Threading & Drilling Machines > Automatic Packing Systems > Tube Handling Units
Ready, Set, Weld.
No matter your production speed, achieve the best quality welds in the industry. First Time, On Time, Every Time.
Come visit us at Tube 2020 in Düsseldorf, Stand 6C21 to find out how we can help you beat your Personal Best.
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
MARCH 2020
VOL 33 NO 2
FIMI Group is able to project, build and install tailor-made turnkey plants for the production of API pipes with outside diameter in the range from 13 up to 508 mm, according to Customer’s specifications based on production speed and wall thickness.
> Electro-Welded API Tube Mills > Strip Joint Benches > Strip Accumulators > Milling Cut-Off Units > Hydrostatic Tube Tester > End Facing & Chamfering Units
> Threading & Drilling Machines > Automatic Packing Systems > Tube Handling Units
The Tube and Pipe Mill Experts FDMachinery
To be a world class manufacturer, you need world class equipment. That is exactly what FD Machinery delivers. FD uses innovation and automation to help you increase productivity and profitability. FD’s equipment is designed to reduce setup and changeover time, increase production speeds and minimize downtime. Innovations like our Robotic Roll Changer, Auto CFS Direct Forming Square Mill, and Packing and Strapping machines require fewer employees to operate an entire tube mill line. Automation makes it easy to train employees and maximize production time. FD is committed to helping you succeed in a highly competitive industry because your success is our success. FD USES AUTOMATION TO INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY
1.Square pipe mill adjusts tooling to change pipe size in 10 minutes. 2.Robot roll changer changes and adjusts rolls automatically. 3.Double saw flying cutoff allows high speed production.
4.Hands-free automated strip entry section. 5.Automatic packing and strapping machine.
Add: 5405 Avion Park Drive, Highland Heights, Ohio, 44143 Phone: 216 536 1433 Email:
6 G 1 2
I NDE X Editorial
DieTronic Srl........................................... 160 Eddyfi Technologies................................ 159 EFD Induction..................................... 48, 86 EHE Consumables.................................... 12 Eisenbau Krämer GmbH (EBK)................ 88 Elmdale..................................................... 32 EnerSys.................................................. 106 ESAB Welding & Cutting Products. .. 32, 103 ESEN Plastik............................................. 55 FD Machinery............................................ 61 Graebener................................................. 88 Haven Manufacturing.............................. 104 Helix Labs Inc......................................... 158 Julia Utensili.............................................. 95 KASTO...................................................... 99 Kemppi................................................ 66, 77 Kjellberg Finsterwalde............................... 10 Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG............... 20 Lincoln Electric.............................. 14, 37, 83 Magnetic Analysis Corp............................ 64 Mair Research SpA................................... 96 Master Fluid Solutions.............................. 42 Metalube....................................... 40, 55, 56 Midlands Group Training Services............ 20 Officine MTM SpA....................................... 8 NDC Technologies...................................... 8 PAO TMK.................................................. 31
PE100+ Association.................................. 35 Persistence Market Research................... 46 Polytec...................................................... 75 Prima Power Laserdyne LLC.................. 158 Reika......................................................... 16 Roll-Kraft............................................. 24, 32 Saar Hartmetall und Werkzeuge GmbH. .. 70 Saet Emmedi............................................ 61 Sanha GmbH & Co KG........................... 100 Saw EXPO.................................................. 7 Scan Systems Corporation....................... 60 Schwarze-Robitec..................................... 60 SEUTHE................................................... 91 Sharpe Products....................................... 22 Special Piping Materials............................ 50 SSAB........................................................ 39 TechnipFMC.............................................. 48 Tecnar..................................................... 155 Tenova...................................................... 29 Thermatool Corp......................................... 6 transfluid Maschinenbau GmbH.............. 153 Tube Tech International............................. 53 VOSS Fluid............................................... 44 Weld Australia........................................... 40 Westermans International......................... 20 WTT-Expo 2020........................................ 40 Xiris Automation Inc.......................... 40, 153
3R solutions............................................ 156 Acimex.................................................... 104 Advanced Machine & Engineering | AMSAW... 62 AICON 3D Systems GmbH..................... 160 Algoma...................................................... 18 AMI............................................................ 58 Armultra.................................................... 32 Asahi/America........................................... 26 ASM International..................................... 14 ASMAG GmbH.......................................... 91 Axxair........................................................ 93 BLM Group................................................ 22 Bossi......................................................... 70 BM Group.................................................. 75 BPF Pipes Group...................................... 31 Bültmann............................................. 72, 99 C & E Fein GmbH..................................... 67 Chalco Ruimin Co Ltd............................... 29 Changzhou Liangxu Vehicle Accessories Co Ltd.................... 60 Climate Partner......................................... 56 CMS.......................................................... 95 Combilift............................................ 16, 100 CONTRAST Di Icardi Cristina................... 10 CRU Africa Conference............................. 38 Danieli....................................................... 18 Danieli Breda............................................ 26
MEET US AT TUBE 2020 30 March – 3 April 2020 Düsseldorf, Germany Hall 07 – Booth 70C09-3
Comprehensive Solution for Advanced Tube Bending
Processing diameter range: Ø1-600mm Wall thickness range: 0.4mm-70mm Material: stainless steel, titanium alloy, aluminium alloy, high strength aluminium alloy, copper, low carbon steel, magnesium alloy
Professional tube processing equipment manufacturers, provide your ideal bending machine, cutting machine, forming machine and also provide robot production line Zhejiang King-Mazon Machinery Co.,Ltd.
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MARCH 2020
Quality in its perfect form. Since 45 years , we have been developing future-oriented measuring and control devices for quality assurance of hoses, tubes and pipes, such as the X-RAY 6000 PRO . An innovative solution with X-ray technology that precisely measures all product parameters, increases product quality and saves costs.
Stay ahead with:
– high quality products by continuous mea- surement of wall thickness, concentricity, inner and outer diameter and ovality of up to 3 different material layers – automatic control under consideration of minimum values in combination with
powerful processor systems – repeatable processes your customers can rely on
Visit us from March 30 - April 3, at wire/Tube 2020 in Germany. wire : 9A41 + Tube : 6G04
Editor in chief
Rory McBride
CONT ENT S EDITORIAL INDEX ................................................................. 2 INDUSTRY NEWS ................................................................... 6 TECHNOLOGY NEWS ....................................................... 60 HANDLING, BUNDLING, PACKAGING & LOGISTICS ............................................... 98 GLOBAL MARKETPLACE ............................................ 108 MACH 2020 ................................................................... 116 TUBE DÜSSELDORF 2020 ....................................... 118 TUBE SOFTWARE & CONTROL SYSTEMS ............ 152 TOLEXPO 2020 ............................................................ 162 中文综合 .................................................................. 164 ADVERTISERS INDEX ................................................ 172 ARTICLE: Welding innovation required for high-pressure steam tubes and pipes used in growing global nuclear power industry By Dr Michael Fletcher, Huntingdon Fusion Techniques, UK 168
Features editor
Gill Watson
Editorial assistant
Helen Gaskell
Lisa Wright
Sales & marketing Steve Martin
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ARTICLE: Advances in infrastructure, robust OCTG industry to suppor t energy transition By Shawn Martin, Thermatool Corp, USA
The Professional Publishers Association Member
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The March Issue Welcome to the latest issue of Tube & Pipe Technology magazine. A recent report by IndexBox looked at the world iron and steel tube, pipe and hollow profile market, which it estimated amounted to $124.6bn in 2018, rising by 3.9 per cent against the previous year.
March/April 2020 Vol 33 No 2
Rory McBride – Editor in chief
Consumption of tubes, pipes and hollow profiles in China exceeded the figures recorded by the second-largest consumer, India (10 million tonnes), twofold. Quite staggering numbers. Russia (9 million tonnes) ranked third in terms of total consumption with a 8.4 per cent share. However since 2007 it is India that has shown the highest annual growth rate (+10.7 per cent per year) as the country completes a myriad of infrastructure improvements. Global exports totalled 45 million tonnes in 2018, growing by 7.3 per cent against the previous year. Exports of tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, however, continue to indicate a relatively flat trend pattern. It seems that from 2009 to 2018 exports dipped and failed to regain their momentum. However In 2018, the average export price for tubes, pipes and hollow steel/iron profiles amounted to $1,300 per tonne, rising by 2.8 per cent against the previous year. If you would like to submit editorial for the forthcoming May issue you can contact me at:
I hope that you enjoy the magazine.
On the cover . . . Tube industry solutions – the FIMIGroup is able to plan, build and install tailor- made turnkey plants for the production of API pipes with outside diameter in the range from 13 to 508mm, according to the customer’s exact specifications and based on production speed and wall thickness. FIMI designs and manufactures complete lines for cutting to length, slitting of metal strips, recoiling and inspection > Electro-WeldedAPITubeMills > Strip JointBenches > StripAccumulators > MillingCut-OffUnits > HydrostaticTubeTester > EndFacing&ChamferingUnits Pag.Publ_FIMIGroup_Tube_TP.01.2020.indd 1
The international magazine for the tube & pipe industries
MARCH 2020
FIMI Group isable toproject,buildand install tailor-made turnkeyplants for the production of API pipes with outside diameter in the range from13up to508mm,according toCustomer’s specificationsbasedon productionspeedandwall thickness.
> Threading&DrillingMachines > AutomaticPackingSystems > TubeHandlingUnits
27/02/20 10:43
starting from coils, including packing solutions for sheets, slit coils and mother coils, tube mills, tube finishing lines and related packaging and handling solutions. A wide range of material, from ferrous to non-ferrous such as steel, high resistance steel, stainless steel, painted steel and aluminium are processed in the lines. FIMI products are mainly destined for steel-work service centres as well as end-users such as the automotive and the household appliances industry. The FIMIGroup aims to maintain the highest level of satisfaction and profitability for its customers based on a deep understanding of the industrial processes involved.
I NDUS T RY L&R Industries chooses a Thermatool HF Welder and Alpha High Speed Cutoff to increase efficiency and tube capacity
that allows for extensive control and feedback of the HF Weld power settings of the CFI Welder, enabling L&R to service demanding customers with quick turnarounds and with reliable repeatability. “We chose Thermatool products because we found them to be the most competitive in both lowering costs and leveraging efficiency,” said Kurt Windsor, plant manager at
L&R INDUSTRIES Inc, a US-based company specialising in steel fabrication, has once again selected Thermatool as its equipment supplier for a new mill in their mechanical steel tube division located in Missouri, USA. L&R chose Thermatool equipment because of its combination of technology, speed and accuracy along with Thermatool’s ability to customise its solutions to L&R’s complex needs. Thermatool provided a 300kW CFI High Frequency Welder and a new Alpha Mach 2 High Speed Flying Shear Cutoff to L&R, which were both installed in late 2019. Thermatool also installed a non-contact laser velocimeter for L&R – a new option for the Alpha Cutoff that offers 1mm (or less) in cut length accuracy. L&R has experienced such accurate product cut lengths that no second or third handling of the final product has been required – significantly improving quality control of products produced. Tubes are ready to ship as soon as they leave the mill, which is a hallmark of the Alpha cutoff. In addition, L&R opted for Thermatool’s ThermaView™ product, which is an advanced diagnostic software package
Thermatool 300KW High Frequency Welder
the successes we have accomplished together,” he added. Thermatool Corp is part of the Inductotherm Group and specialises in developing advancements in the high frequency welding of tube and pipe. Its priority is to deliver high quality HF welding and heat treating equipment to its customers in the tube and pipe industry. Thermatool – an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer – has worked in the high frequency welding field for more than 60 years, bringing to market innovations such as ThermaView™, HAZControl™, AutoMatch™ and other patented technologies that provide welding, heat treating and production equipment for the highest production throughputs and an excellent and reliable return on investment. Services include comprehensive process development and metallurgical capabilities, complete engineering design and equipment manufacturing, a research and development centre, customer training and a global aftermarket support and service group.
L&R Industries Inc. “The products we chose sped up our production by 30 per cent and allowed for direct shipping to customers, which saves us time and operating costs while reducing scrap.” With over 60 years of experience in the tube and pipe industry Thermatool offers an extensive line of HF welding, heating and cutting equipment in addition to the high quality service and support. Mills are choosing Thermatool for the latest technology for applications that meet each tube mill’s individual needs. Mills worldwide are able to take advantage of Thermatool’s product
knowledge and track record to lower the costs of production, reduce delivery time and stay strong in a competitive industry. “We value our relationship with L&R and we are glad to have helped them to improve their production rates and reduce their scrap and lead times,” said Chris Murray, sales manager at Thermatool Corp. “We look forward to continuing our relationship with them and building upon
Alpha Mach 2 High Speed Cutoff
Thermatool Corp
MARCH 2020
D I ARY of Tube Events
Saw EXPO to preview at Tube 2020 for first time VISITORS to Tube 2020 will get a preview of Saw EXPO, the Trade Fair for Sawing and Industrial Cutting Technologies. The exhibitors of the Saw EXPO will have a dedicated special area at Tube 2020 to help promote Saw EXPO, the only trade fair specialising in this sector of industry in Europe, which will take place at the Friedrichshafen fairgrounds from 8 to 11 June 2021. The Saw EXPO log hut will be located at the Nord entrance of Tube 2020 from 5.30pm each day of the trade fair, offering exhibitors free drinks and snacks in a laid-back Lounge atmosphere. Following the promotion at Tube 2020, there will also be a special Saw EXPO China area as part of Tube China from 23 to 26 September 2020. Saw EXPO in 2021 is expected to see Approximately 100 exhibitors from Germany and other European countries presenting sawing machines and alternative cutting technologies, sawing tools, trowel equipment, deburring tools, accessories, consumables and peripheral machinery and systems. Exhibitors will showcase all forms of sawing and cutting of ferrous metals, NF-metals, steel, aluminium down to plastics, composites and wood and this broad line-up of ranges is complemented by saw jobbers, second-hand machinery, associations, publishing houses, service providers, science and research institutes. Interested companies can register online before the event for free lounge access.
30 March – 3 April Tube Düsseldorf 2020 (Düsseldorf, Germany) International Exhibition 31 March – 3 April TOLexpo (Paris, France) International Exhibition 20-24 April MACH (Birmingham, UK) International Exhibition 11-13 June Guangzhou (Guangzhou, China) International Exhibition 16-18 June FABTECH Canada (Toronto, Canada) International Exhibition 17-20 June Korea Metal Week (Seoul, South Korea) International Exhibition 23-26 September Tube China (Shanghai, China) International Exhibition 27-30 October EuroBLECH (Hanover, Germany) International Exhibition
Officine MTM supplies tube mills for leading European tube producer
MTM Group, has designed, manufactured, supplied and commissioned these two complete tube mills for ERW
OFFICINE MTM SpA has been selected to complete the design, production and supply of two complete tube mill lines, by two leading European companies that specialise in the production of a wide range of precision electro-welded steel and aluminium tubes and profiles for the OEM automotive market. Officine MTM SpA, which is a branch of global engineering company
involve production integration, service integration and energy saving. The company’s proposal features innovative technical solutions and production flexibility in order to meet highly customised, advanced technology equipment requirements, as well as quality and tolerance standards. Officine MTM SpA is certified to the ISO 9001 quality management system and is able to respect the tight scheduling required thanks to the carefully controlled design and manufacture process as well the preassembling and testing at its plant in Spinea, Italy.
welded tubes, ranging from 10mm up to 40mm in diameter and up to 180m/min speed. The supplied lines are built according to the technology Industry 4.0 and based on the concept of “the smart factory” and
Officine MTM SpA
NDC Technologies announces new president and strategic growth leader
“Collectively, we will build a stronger foundation and a more successful company moving forward.” Mr Nyman was most recently vice- president and chief growth officer for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota, USA responsible for the growth and successful delivery of high-impact innovative products and services for the Minnesota healthcare market. Prior to Blue Cross and Blue Shield, he held executive management positions with UnitedHealth Group, Ulteig, Best Buy, ADC, Ericsson and GE. Mr Nyman is also an instructor at the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management, specialising in graduate studies in leadership, entrepreneurship and business formation.
Mr Nyman has experience increasing enterprise value for Fortune 500 companies, as well as other publicly and privately held companies in a range of industries. “l am thrilled and humbled for the opportunity to lead the NDC team,” said Mr Nyman. “We are in the enviable position of having an exceptional global team, a strong and diverse product portfolio, an immense installed base and a valuable and talented support organisation. “NDC has been serving industry’s leading manufacturers for over 50 years. We are poised for growth and energised by the opportunity to take NDC to the next level. I am keen on delivering exceptional value to our customers and making NDC a vibrant place to work – one where our team members can take pride in what they accomplish and grow professionally.
NDC Technologies, a global provider of productivity enhancing measurement and control solutions, has announced that Marti Nyman has joined the com- pany as its new president and strategic growth leader.
NDC Technologies
Marti Nyman
MARCH 2020
Forming & Sizing Mill
Slitter Line
Shear & Welder
Auto Packing Line
CONTRAST: from father to daughter and by its customer’s side for more than 25 years
frequency welders, CONTRAST has become an important point of reference in the Tube Industry. This is because of its ability to rapidly supply customers in Italy and abroad with high quality products such as ferrites, epoxyglass tubes, impeders, copper inductors as well as products for inside and outside tube’s scarfing, HSS saw blades, friction circular saw blades, capacitors and triode valves. CONTRAST is also valued for its ability to assist, advise and support its customers in the strategic choices necessary to obtain the best production results.
CONTRAST was founded in 1994 by Carlo Icardi and specialises in selling high quality consumables for the tube industry. The company was the natural evolution of Carlo’s thirty years of experience as a highly specialised technician in the high frequency welding of tubes. His daughter Cristina, who he trained and shared experience with, decided to follow in his footsteps; not an obvious choice in the early 1990s in what was still a heavily male dominated market. This was a strong sign of trust for a young woman starting off her new career in the field of steel tube production. After 25 years that choice has proved to be a successful one. Carlo Icardi unfortunately died suddenly in 2014 and Cristina took over at
Cristina Icardi of CONTRAST
CONTRAST following in her father’s footsteps. Thanks to her constant and direct care for the company and the many collaborations with Europe’s main producers of consumables and relationships with some of Italy’s most important builders of tube mills and high
CONTRAST Di Icardi Cristina
Kjellberg Finsterwalde wins innovation award MANUFACTURING group Kjellberg Finsterwalde has won an innovation award for its plasma cutting system “Q”. The award was announced at Blechexpo, the international trade fair for sheet metal working and Kjellberg Finsterwalde won the separation technology category, which is part of the “Award for Blechexpo”. special, because our development team was facing a completely new challenge with the digitisation topic that had to be mastered,” said the Kjellberg development manager Volker Krink.
Kjellberg Finsterwalde has invested several million euros and years of research in the latest generation of the plasma power source and the new Industry 4.0-compatible inverter power source “Q” combines precision plasma cutting at an “exceptional level” with the complex requirements of digitised production. In the future, systems will be able to communicate between all stages of the value chain in a smart factory. The real-time communication between the plant components and the process data exchange of networked machines were two of the innovations that visitors were able to experience at the trade fair via a live broadcast from the Competence Centre Plasma 4.0 from Kjellberg’s headquarters in Finsterwalde directly to Blechexpo which was held in Stuttgart, Germany. Using the browser-based Q-Desk operator interface visitors were able to take a look at information such as FAQs or video tutorials directly on site as well.
“It is a very special moment when a product, whose development one has accompanied for years, is appreciated in this way. This prize is also something
Kjellberg Finsterwalde’s new motto “Always on”, which has been supported by its large-scale social media campaign has also influenced its next steps as the company is now heavily focusing on the topic of networking. In the future the Kjellberg group aims to make their know-how even more tangible both online as well as at trade fairs.
Kjellberg Finsterwalde
MARCH 2020
EHE Consumables launches new website EHE Consumables, which has offices in both the US and in Europe, has joined forces online. The new common website for its global business provides comprehensive information about its wide range of products. “The launch of our new website allows our customers around the world to get a broad overview of our wide product range.”
EHE Consumables offer a wide range of impeders and induction coils and is a one-stop-supplier of all high-frequency welding products and consumables, manufacturing coils for all kinds of HF generators, including every well-known industry brand. Should the customer require a specialised solution EHE consumables is able to design a custom product according to the specific needs. “We are focused on quality, customer satisfaction and fast delivery,” said managing director Wil Johnston. “Our warehouses in the US and Poland hold considerable stocks of impeders, induction coils, ferrite cores, impeder casing materials and scarfing inserts.” With 35 years of experience and an ISO 9001 certification, EHE Consumables is ideally positioned to offer customers the best solutions available. “At EHE Consumables, our primary
“At EHE Consumables, we work together globally to develop the best quality products for our industry,” said sales and marketing director Peter Bond.
The new EHE Consumables website
objective is to give you a reason to work with us,” said Peter Bond. “We only promote and sell products that help you improve your production, reduce your operating costs and increase your efficiency. For all kinds of consumables for tube and pipe welding, we can bring a dedicated solution to your business.” EHE Consumables is a leading manu- facturer of high-frequency welding components and has manufacturing facilities in the USA and Poland.
Peter Bond
EHE Consumables
MARCH 2020
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Selmers makes the pipe industry future proof
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Lincoln Electric announces joint welding education programme with ASM International IN PARTNERSHIP with ASM
to one of 15 desired industry focus areas which are aerospace, automotive, general fabrication, heavy fabrication, liquefied natural gas, maintenance and repair, nuclear, offshore, pipeline, power gen and process, pressure vessel, ship building, structural, thermal energy and wind power. The programme is typically completed over a two-year period, committing between 210 and 220 course hours to the hands-on, educational programming and the welding courses will be facili- tated in Lincoln Electric’s Welding Technology and Training Centre, offering comprehensive, multi-sensory learning experiences.
The programme provides a platform for advancement of scientific expertise and to ensure rigorous training and edu- cation standards are being applied. All coursework has been previously accred- ited with The International Association for Continuing Education and Training. Professionals entering the programme will come from a variety of industries and backgrounds, most appealing to en- gineers, materials science profession- als, technicians and those working in the manufacturing and industrial sectors. The certificate, which is based on the completion of eight total courses includes a foundational curriculum, consists of five pre-set required courses that offer a deeper dive into the subject matter of metallurgy, mechanical testing, welding inspection and control, welding economics and steel weldments. The remaining three courses offer the learner the ability to tailor their certificate
International, Lincoln Electric ® has announced the development of a Certificate Programme called ‘Welding Technology and Materials Science.’ The joint education programme will provide learners with the opportunity to advance their material science knowledge and obtain hands-on training with various welding technologies. Charlie Cross, customer training instructor at Lincoln Electric, said: “The certificate programme is attractive to individuals who see value in continuing education to bolster their career development and advancement opportunities, and it’s also designed for someone interested in making a career shift. This programme will be a great resource for all professionals looking to gain practical application and theoretical knowledge in the fields of welding and materials science.”
Lincoln Electric ASM International
MARCH 2020
Combilift nominated in two 2020 IFOY Award categories
The Combi-CBE4 is a finalist in the Special Vehicle Category. This 4,000kg capacity electric powered, all-wheel drive forklift incorporates compact counterbalance design with multidirectional capability for the versatile handling of mixed sized loads. It features the company’s inter- nationally patented independent electric traction, which provides all front and rear drive wheels with 100 per cent traction control, therefore negating the need for differential lock on slippery surfaces. By inputting the wheel-base parameters, the traction commands are calculated by the control system. As the truck drives and steers, the speed and rotational direction of the wheels are controlled independently, allowing the truck to negotiate tight turns with no tyre wear. The Combi-CS has been nominated in the Warehouse Truck Lowlifter Category. It is the only pedestrian counterbalance stacker that will operate in a conventional reach truck aisle for space saving and productive storage and handling. It features Combilift’s internationally patented and
FOR the second year in a row, manufacturer Combilift is a finalist in the International Intralogistics and Forklift Truck of the Year Awards. The company is the only manufacturer to have two of its products nominated for a 2020 IFOY Award, which honours the best products and solutions of the year. “Following the nomination of the Combi-PPT powered pallet truck last year, we are delighted that the IFOY committee has recognised two of our innovative products as being worthy of finalist status in 2020,” said Combilift CEO and co-founder Martin McVicar.
award-winning multi-position tiller arm which can be turned to the left or right of the unit to position the rear drive wheel, allowing the operator to remain at the side of the machine rather than at the rear as is the case with other pedestrian stackers. This ensures optimum visibility of the load and surroundings as well as guaranteeing maximum safety in areas where other personnel or members of the public may be present. Finalists now have to undergo the IFOY audit and innovation check by industry experts in Hanover, Germany. 27 journalists from leading logistics media from 19 countries will also personally test and evaluate the nominated equipment for qualities such as technology, design, ergonomics, safety, marketability, customer benefit and sustainability. “Starting from the design to the careful implementation of the project, including delivery, installation, countless tests and, of course, training of the employees,” the company said. The entire coupling production is done exclusively by the three robotised Reika coupling blank production cells, the RingSaw machines. Reika is currently negotiating with a third company, The Chelpipe Group, from the Russian metal- lurgical market and is a domestic manufacturer of tube products. In January 2020 Reika shipped two RingSaw ® machines that left the Reika plant on heavy load trucks to be installed at the TMK Artrom plant in Romania for the machining of heat-treated seamless tubes.
Combilift Reika celebrates success of the RingSaw Two Combilift machines are finalists
“We develop machines and tech- niques for processing tubes for even faster, more precise and more efficient production.” Reika has recently supplied three coupling lines to Vyksa Steel Works, one of the companies hosted by OMK: “This is a huge success, thanks to the tremendous work done on all fronts and all levels.
REIKA, a manufacturer of turnkey lines for tube processing, is celebrating the success of its recent projects in Russia. United Metallurgical Company (OMK Group), the Russian manufacturer of products for energy, transport and industrial companies and the TMK Group, which is a tube product manufacturer for the oil and gas industry, both selected Reika machines for coupling lines production with the company’s RingSaw ® machine. According to Reika, the company is proud that its machines and lines continue to play a significant role in tube processing and production worldwide: “The Reika RingSaw ® is designed to take manufacturing to a new level in coupling production and our equipment for tube straightening will also encourage production in the companies’ halls in the near future.
MARCH 2020
Danieli to modernise Algoma steel mill Danieli, a full cycle provider in the metals industry, along with Danieli Automation and Danieli Taranis, have been chosen by Algoma Steel, a fully integrated steel producer, as the supplier team for a complete upgrade of its 166" wide-plate mill of Algoma Steel in Ontario, Canada. The project will allow Algoma to expand its product portfolio to include wider plate products, to better control shape and surface quality and to improve logistics. Automation from Level 0 through to Level 2 systems. Along with new process equipment and new digital drives, this will allow Algoma to perform normalised or controlled rolling, so that it can supply new grades of plate to the shipbuilding, energy and bridge building sectors. Additionally, Danieli Taranis will provide engineering and post-commissioning support. Danieli’s scope of work will include an overhaul of the complete plant automation system, from the reheat process to finished goods and Danieli Algoma According to Danieli, the plant will be completely re-automated by Danieli
the installation of a new primary de- scaler as well as a new hot-leveller and a new cooling bed. A new dividing shear, piling system, ‘top-to-bottom’ automated inspection system and plate marking machine will upgrade the finishing area. Work began in October 2019 and will be concluded in the summer of 2021.
MARCH 2020
Seamless tubes (OCTG products )
ERW tubes (API , st ructural s and mechani cal )
Cold drawn tube fini shing l ines (automot i ve)
Mair Research S.p.A. Via Lago di Albano, 55 36015 Schio (Vicenza) - I T A L Y Phone: +39 0445 634 444 Fax: +39 0445 634 409
Visit us at booth Hall6 | Booth E16
30 Ma r c h - 03 A p r i l 2020
Westermans International adds fur ther welding capability to UK training service
equipment and a comprehensive refur- bishment and refitting service, it is able to supply reliable welding equipment so- lutions at a fraction of the cost of new units and, according to MGTS, this has resulted in an estimated expenditure saving of 66 per cent while meeting all of the operational needs of the customer. “The equipment provided by Westermans represents excellent value for money, particularly as we have been able to purchase top specification welding units, which are effectively as good as new,” said Neil Russell, MGTS Centre lead at Coventry. “The service that it has provided is first class, particularly as Westermans has focused on meeting our specific requirements within predefined budgets.” He pointed out that his organisation is playing an increasingly key role in help- ing to bridge the skills gap and draws attention to the fact that this is under- scored by demographic considerations that see skilled workers leaving the in- dustry with fewer then able to pass on their skills to the next generation. “Our apprenticeship programmes are delivered within the framework of the government’s ‘Standard Engineering’ qualification that isnowreplacingNVQS,” he added. This is a key consideration that is fully endorsed by Mr Westerman and which, he says, is set to become more sig- nificant as new projects are built in the UK. He pointed out that 13 per cent of Britain’s welders come from other coun- tries in the European Economic Area. “For someone who is new to welding, the training can take over three years to reach the high standard necessary to work on a project as challenging, for ex- ample, as a nuclear facility, so the ser- vices provided by MGTS clearly play an important role,” he said. Westermans International’s involve- ment with MGTS enables the welding equipment supplier to play an important role in helping to build engineering skills into the future.
organisation goes back some ten years so we have been delighted to have been contacted again to fulfil equipment needs for both the Coventry and Redditch training centres.” The latest order is centred on a series of Fronius TIG welding units – the Fronius 3000 Magicwave AC/DC welding systems have been supplied complete with water cooling and foot control and bring with them a reputation for robust design and reliability. “The units offer full digital control and provide a virtually soundless, stable arc in operation,” added Mr Westerman. According to MGTS, there have been significant cost advantages by turning to Westermans for its equipment sup- ply. As the company has active contacts worldwide for the procurement of used
SPECIALIST welding equipment sup- pliers Westermans International Ltd has installed a further eight TIG weld- ing units at the Midlands Group Train- ing Services (MGTS) at its premises in Redditch, following on from seven simi- lar units that it recently provided for the company’s facility in Coventry. Westermans International, which is based in Leicester, UK, sources, refurbishes and supplies welding and associated equipment worldwide. “As a National Centre of Excellence for Education, Training, Development and Assessment, MGTS provides an important engineering apprenticeship facility for both young people and adults alike,” said Craig Westerman, sales and operational director at Westermans International. “Our initial work with the Fujian Sangang Minguang Group Co Ltd (Sanming) and Jiangsu Lihuai Iron & Steel Co Ltd (Huaigang Special Steel) have both placed orders from Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG, Germany, for the supply of RSBs ® 370++/4 in 5.0 design. Sanming, a state-owned enterprise, which was founded in 1958, it is regarded as one of the the most important steel producer in Fuijan, China with approximately 11 million annual tons of steel. Huaigang Special Steel (HSS) is a subsidiary of the Shagang Group, which is the sixth largest steel producer in the world and one of the largest privately owned industrial enterprises in China.
Kocks announces significant orders from Far East
For Sanming, the RSB ® 370++/4 is the key component of an extensive modernisation project of the locally manufactured bar mill line, targeting to further improve the finished quality of Sanming’s SBQ products. And with the with the implementa- tion of RSB ® 370++/4 in the existing bar mill line, Huaigang Special Steel intends to further increase the compet- itiveness among Chinese SBQ produc- ers with economically rolled finished SBQ products of exceptionally good quality.
Westermans International
Midlands Group Training Services
Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG
MARCH 2020
Booth 5H16
BLM Group celebrates Intube success The BLM Group has celebrated the success of its Open House event, Intube 2019, which attracted a record number of visitors. Republic and Poland. Some customers travelled from countries as far away as Australia or from other countries, such as Saudi Arabia, for the first time ever.
projects that embodied the ‘Ordinary Special’ slogan of the event. Visitors were also able to see the ADIGE production plant, with 12,000m 2 of covered space, in which the ‘Lean Production’ organisational principles are combined and the Industry 4.0 concepts are embraced.
Visitors to the event included a high number of customers from all over the world, together with suppliers, journalists and visitors from many institutions. The largest group of foreign customers came from Germany, with many others also from the USA, France, Czech
The event, which was made up of three pavilions included software demonstration stations showing what the BLM Group offers to the manufacturing industry, as well as the active research and development
BLM Group
3D robotic pipe and tube cutting technology increases capabilities of Sharpe Products
and drilling, thereby helping to reduce lead times and manage costs. Adding to its existing line-up of fibre optic laser cutting machines, the JENOPTIK-Votan BIM is well-suited for automotive exhaust and emissions control, agriculture, heavy equipment and industrial applications.
capabilities, allowing us to increase production efficiencies and reduce time-to-market for numerous job specifications,” said Paul Krickeberg, president and CEO of Sharpe Products. With this capability, features such as holes, slots or notches can be added after the bending process, eliminating more costly tooling and secondary operations such as machining, coping
AS PART of an overall investment in its production facilities, Sharpe Products, a specialist in tube and pipe fabrication, has recently added to its technology stack with a JENOPTIK-Votan BIM fibre optic, robotic cutting machine. The new machine is used to reach, turn and cut complex 3D components and is built for multi-axis pipe and tube fabrication. “This new technology adds strength to our laser cutting and bending
Sharpe Products
MARCH 2020
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ASMAG GmbH Liesenwaldstr. 3, 4644 Scharnstein, Austria Tel +43 7616 88010, SEUTHE GmbH Deilinghofer Str. 11, 58675 Hemer, Germany Tel +49 2372 506 0, INGENIA GmbH Bremenstraße 15-17, 4030 Linz, Austria Tel +43 732 70 10 10,
Roll-Kraft’s regional seminars continue to draw enthusiastic attendance
people to perform their duties in a predictable, repeatable fashion; and by extension, it minimises changeover and downtime while reducing scrap and increasing production and profits.” Every year Roll-Kraft presents two seminars, one for the tube and pipe mill industry, and one for the roll form industry and also offers tours of its
actual demonstrations projected on- screen for clear observation of the step- by step process. Mr Sladky said: “The primary focus of these sessions, as well as our in- house training sessions, is to develop a standard for all to follow in the areas of mill integrity, alignment, setup, and tooling maintenance. This enables
MANUFACTURER Roll-Kraft recently hosted its annual regional tube and pipe and roll forming training seminars at the LaMalfa Conference Center in Ohio, USA. The venue expanded to two ballrooms to accommodate over 100 attendees from 50 companies from all over North America.
corporate facility in Ohio, USA. The company said that a large majority of attendees at this year’s event were new to the industry, which reflects a transition from veteran operators to a new generation but the attendance and demand for Roll- Kraft’s in-house programmes and on-site training sessions continues to increase.
Robert A Sladky, vice- president of tube mill engineering for Roll-Kraft, organised the event and also served as a speaker for each of the two-day programmes. He was joined by other presenters including Dave Rostocil and Bret Molnar who are both senior techni- cal performance specialists. The seminars included a working-model mill with
Accumulator Straightening M/C End-facing M/C Hydrostatic Tester Auto-Packing System
TEL: 82-32-811-5871(REP) FAX: 82-32-811-5870 E-mail:
MARCH 2020
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