March 2013
Global Marketplace
Switzerland’s oldest private bank on 3 January
acknowledged that, from about 2002 to 2010, the firm
– Wegelin & Company, founded in 1741 – helped dozens of
wealthy American customers to dodge taxes by hiding more
than $1.2bn in secret accounts.
The guilty plea, in a federal district court in New York, obliges
Wegelin to pay $74mn in fines, restitution and forfeiture
proceeds to the US government.
Although Wegelin is no longer active, obtaining a guilty plea
from a company with no business operations in the US was
something of a coup for the US Justice Department.
More broadly, the admission of guilt represents a victory
for the administration of President Barack Obama in its
crackdown on Americans who use offshore banks to evade
A stake in two Canadian mines
advances China Steel’s goal of
securing its supplies of iron ore
ArcelorMittal said in a 2 January statement that a group led
by China Steel Corp and Posco had agreed to pay $1.1bn in
cash for 15 per cent of ArcelorMittal Mines Canada Inc.
According to the ArcelorMittal website, the deal will give
the purchasers access to two open-pit mines that together
produce about 15 million metric tons of iron ore concentrate a
year and more than 9 million mt of iron oxide pellets.
The world’s largest steel maker, based in Luxembourg,
is believed to be mulling the sale of up to one-third of its
Canadian unit, which yields some 40 per cent of Canada’s
iron ore.
As noted by
Bloomberg News
(2 January), China Steel’s
stake will bring closer a goal of meeting, by 2015, 30 per
cent of its iron ore and coal needs from mines in which it
has investments. According to the Taiwan-based company’s
website, China Steel and Posco, the largest South Korean
steel maker, will share the output of the Canadian mines
proportionate to their interests in the venture.
reporters Yu-Huay Sun and Michelle Yun recalled
that Posco, with the Hong Kong-based trading company
Noble Group Ltd and Korean investors, recently withdrew its
A$1.2bn (US$1.3bn) offer for Sydney-based Arrium Ltd after
the board of the Australian steel maker and iron ore producer
declined to engage with the group.
Elsewhere in steel . . .
In other news of ArcelorMittal, on 30 November the
company won a ruling in a US appeals court that
upholds its Usibor patent as applicable to cold-rolled steel
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26.02.13 09:57