TPT March 2011
I nspection , T esting & Q uality C ontrol
compact industrial PC with high working reliability; highly developed Steelmaster software; sophisticated mechanics and protection system; and close to zero maintenance. Profilemaster provides accurate in-line profile measurement using ‘light section’ principle and machine vision. Between one and six laser/camera modules measure the cross-section of the moving profile, and a powerful PC-based processor adds the partial pictures of the cameras made up of straight lines and radii together to yield the momentary cross-section of the profile. All relevant dimensions, such as width, height, angle and radii, are added together to form the full cross-sectional picture. The nominal values for the profile can be directly imported from the CAD construction (as a DXF file), which allows easy and problem- free programming. Changes in speed and twist within normal limits have no affect on the measurement. The combination of one to six laser/ camera modules allows the measurement of virtually all shapes, achieving an optimal measurement result with the smallest possible number of laser/camera modules. The Odac Trio system provides three-
axis laser measurement of diameter and ovality. Conventional two- axis instruments with laser or CCD can only provide approximate values for minimum OD, maximum OD and ovality. The mean value (X+Y/2) is influenced by the orientation of the product ovality within the measuring field. The Trio concept solves such problems. Advantages include three synchronised measurement axes on a single plane; compact design; reliable detection of out-of-round condition,
Odac Trio laser diameter measuring head
regardless of the orientation of the product ovality; detection of any deviation from roundness of oval and out-of-round with polygonal shape (multi-lobe). The system yields accurate mean value, regardless of the orientation of the product ovality, and computes accurate values of circumference and cross section.
Available interfaces includeRS-232/-422/- 485, Profibus DP, Ethernet, and J standard for USYS processors from Zumbach. Zumbach Electronic AG – Switzerland Fax: +41 32 356 04 30
Email: Website:
M arch 2011
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