TPT March 2011
I nspection , T esting & Q uality C ontrol
Ultrasonic tube testing technology
automated ultrasonic testing machines for welded pipes (ERW and SAW). GE Measurement & Control Solutions – Germany Email: Website:
SEAMLESS and welded tubes, which are used throughout the industrial and process segments (OCTG, energy, automotive, etc) are inspected using non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques. Automated ultrasonic testing (AUT) is a major method applied in line with the manufacturing process in pipe mills. The scope of testing is defined in relevant specifications based on the end use of the tubes. Typical flaw orientations can be longitudinal, transverse and oblique, as well as lamination flaws. Because of the demand for so-called full body inspection, different scanning technologies can be applied, depending on tube diameter and required throughput or testing speed. The inspection technologies business of GE Measurement & Control Solutions offers a wide range of scanning methods, to match the pipe mill environment. These include probes in immersion tanks with helical transport of tubes; probes in cluster configuration with stationary rotating tubes; probes in rotary heads with linear tube transport; and phased array probes in
circumferential arrangement with linear tube transport. In addition to these ultrasonic testers for seamless tubes, GE offers a range of
Probes in an immersion tank, where conventional or phased array probes can be installed
M arch 2011
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