TPT March 2011
T he M arch I ssue Welcome to the latest issue of Tube & Pipe Technology magazine, which this month features a comprehensive feature on inspection, testing and quality control, automotive tube and pipe manufacturing and all the information that you need on Tube Russia. Please come and say hello to our team at our stand there. And a big thank you to everyone who came and showed such a great interest in the magazine at Tube Arabia in January. From what I hear this year’s Boru is set to break all records for attendance in terms of visitors and exhibitors and with the Turkish economy doing so well in terms of growth any company would be wise to get involved. We will be there with plenty of magazines and the more handy to carry CD versions for you to read on your laptop on the flight home. Next up is our May issue and we will be featuring articles on tube mills & roll forming machines and OCTG & pipeline manufacturing and all the latest industry and technology news so please do send me your information by the
Editor • Rory McBride Features editor (USA) • Dorothy Fabian
• Christian Bradley
Editorial assistant
• Lisa Benjamin
• Catherine Sayers English speaking sales • Giuliana Benedetto Italian sales • Hendrike Morriss German speaking sales • Doug Zirkle US & Canada sales • Linda Li Chinese sales • Jeroo Vandrevala Indian sales
Sales & marketing
deadline of 14 March. Rory McBride – Editor
• Liz Hughes
Advertising co-ordinators
• Andrea McIntosh
• Liz Hughes
• Richard Babbedge
Accounts manager
E ditorial I ndex . ................. 2 I ndustry N ews ................... 6 T echnology U pdate ......... 42 G lobal M arketplace . ..... 86 中文综合 ......................... 136 A dvertisers I ndex .......... 144
• Caroline Sullens
• John C Hogg
Published by : Intras Publications , 46 Holly Walk, Leamington Spa, CV32 4HY, UK Tel : +44 1926 334137 • Fax : +44 1926 314755 Email : Website : Indian Office : Intras Ltd, Subarna (Ground Floor) P21/N, Block A New Alipore, Kolkata 700 053, India Tel : +91 33 2407 0701 • Fax : +91 33 2407 0700 This publication and its full contents of layout, text, images, and graphics is copyright protected. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any other storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s written permission. The publisher, owners, agents, printers, editors and contributors cannot be held responsible for and hereby exclude all liability whatsoever for errors, omissions or the accuracy and claims printed or inferred in the editorial or advertisements published in this, previous or subsequent editions or for any damages, costs or losses caused thereby. Tube & Pipe Technology reserves the right to edit, reword and subedit all editorial submissions in accordance with editorial policy. Tube & Pipe Technology expressed graphically or by text is a registered name and style trademark of Intras Ltd, UK. All matters relating to this disclaimer are governed by the laws of England. US Copies only: Tube & Pipe Technology (ISSN No: 0953-2366) is published bi-monthly by INTRAS Ltd and distributed in the US by DSW, 75 Aberdeen Road, Emigsville, PA 17318-0437. Periodicals postage paid at Emigsville, PA. POSTMASTER: send address changes to Tube & Pipe Technology , PO Box 437, Emigsville PA 17318-0437. Tube & Pipe Technology magazine is available on subscription, or via membership of the International Tube Association – See for more membership benefits All rights reserved – © Intras Ltd ISSN 0953-2366
Taiyuan Tongze Heavy Industry Co Ltd Taiyuan Tongze Heavy Industry Co Ltd (TZCE) was founded in August 2001. The design centre of the company is the provincial technology center of Shanxi province. It is equipped with 13 technical offices and eight subsidiary companies. Among the 480 personnel, 260 are engineers and technicians, 16 are professor senior engineers. In 2003, it was qualified by the ISO9001: 2000 Quality Management System. Until August 2009, it owned 87 patents, in which 35 items are inventive patents, 52 items are innovative patents. The technological performance of its products have reached a world-class level. TZCE’s products are mainly used for producing high grade oil pipe, nuclear power tube, supercritical high-pressure boiler pipe, high-pressure bottle tube, thickness tube and larger diameter pipe with small thickness. The company possesses a team of experts in designing, working on electric, hydraulic, lubrication and mechanical processing assembly, which can serve for your individually solutions. It possesses the biggest assembly workshop for pipe equipment, and the biggest digital bridge type milling machine of 5500×6000×18000mm in China. its powerful manufacturing capacity and perfect system of complete equipment can help serve your high quality rolling mill.
March 2011 |Vol 24No 2 |US$33
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