TPT March 2011
подушек грейферных захватов и внутренней контактной поверхности С-образных захватов. Защитные рукава для вил погрузчиков могут отливаться по размерам существующих вил или поставляться в виде башмаков, надеваемых на вилы. Может также изготавливаться оснастка для вилочных погрузчиков с покрытием из материала Secutex. Системы складирования и транспортировки рулонов с буферными подушками из материала Se- cutex обеспечивают защиту рулонов и продолжительный срок службы захватов. Компания SpanSet также разрабатывает, изготавливает и поставляет оборудование для обеспечения безопасности при превышении предельной грузоподъемности и высоты подъема грузов. Она также проводит курсы обучения пользованию её продукцией. 解决卷材及管道搬运 问题 40多年来SPANSET 一直生产提升和困扎设备,有一系列广泛的产品,为操作者的安全带来很多好处。 该公司提供一系列标准及定制产品,包括Secutex ® 涂膜合成吊带以及合成套筒,钢索和吊索,链钩垫、C型 钩和叉车附件,卷材存放和运输系统。 Secutex 是一种聚氨酯弹性体,具有物理和化学性能优势,在打破原来的长度前能够达到500% 的拉伸,而且 最大的工作温度为180 º C。Secutex 还具有降噪性能。 在一个平行的吊篮里 Secutex套筒和吊带涵盖了2吨到80吨的产品范围,而且都具有欧洲标准1492-1和2要求 的4:1 的安全系素。因套筒紧握产品时没有摩擦产生,因此不会切割或磨损吊带或产品,不像标准的链子或 钢丝绳吊索。 SpanSet可提供标准Secutex垫板用作抓斗缓冲垫以及C型吊钩内部接触区。叉车头保护套可以安装在现有的叉 头上,或用作鞋子滑过叉头。还能够用Secutex 涂料制造叉车附件。 带Secutex缓冲垫的卷材存放和运输系统能为卷材提供保护以及长的工作寿命。SpanSet 设计、制造和供应高 度安全、提升和装载控制产品。公司还提供培训课程来支持其产品系列。 Magnetic lifting technology TRANSPORTER® magnetic end-of-arm tooling from Industrial Magnetics, Inc (IMI), USA, magnetically transfers metal blanks, stampings and parts in automated station-to-station, press-to-press transfer or robotic pick-and-place applications, among others. The Transporter family is engineered with powerful rare earth magnets that positively hold the part during transfer, even during unexpected loss of shop air, and greatly reduces chances for slipping and shifting of parts due to mill oil coatings, dust, dirt, rust or weld splatter. The Original Transporter is designed for use on heavier gauge, non-flexing parts, and uses a single burst of shop air to actuate the magnet on and off; it is available in three standard sizes with holding capacities up to 670lb. The Transporter LP allows for minimal die clearance and can be easily installed to existing air connections on tooling booms or robotic face plates. Transporter LP magnets are designed to directly replace vacuum cups with only minor tooling adjustments. Suitable for applications in the appliance, automotive, and office furniture industries, as well as numerous other material handling applications, the Transporter LP is a next-generation sheet handling technology. It only requires a short, single burst of shop air to quickly release parts, and is available in three standard sizes, with the strongest unit holding up to 162lb. Included in the LP line is the TPLP50, a 5”, low profile Transporter that is suitable for lifting thin sheets. It is also available with a destacking option that features a special magnetic circuit, designed to destack metal sheets as thin at 0.03” (22 gauge). The latest addition to the Transporter family is the Transporter MV (MagVac) end-of-arm tooling from IMI, combining vacuum and magnet technology to lift and hold all shapes and types of steel in stamping, blanking, and press-to-press transfer applications. The Transporter MV is suitable for facilities with mixed-use metals, where the magnet can be used in conjunction with the vacuum for ferrous parts, and the vacuum can work SpanSet Limited – UK Fax: +44 1606 737502 Email: Website: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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