TPT March 2011
Модель Bewo Quatro может компоноваться полностью совместимыми станками и системами, для снятия заусенцев, измерения, промывки и пакетирования. Высокоскоростная пила может применяться для резки труб наружным диаметром от 8 до 90 мм. Компания Kent предлагает в Северной Америке полный комплекс услуг: продажу, обслуживание и снабжение запасными частями для нового или бывшего в употреблении оборудования серии Bewo. 高速锯切达到11000根管道每小时 KENT Corporation公司新的Bewo SCF-90高速冷锯可以同时切割1到6根管道,切割速度高达11000每小时。 锯头向上切割,最多的切削被留在下面,而且只需要较少的切削力。 全液压螺旋锯头非常稳健,反弹也最小。锯片是可变的,并且锯头成比例地进给管道,用来优化切割质量、 锯片寿命和生产率。 管道通过伺服驱动进给,确保准确性,并能使10个不同的长度从一个单一管道长度被切割出。主要控制面板 根据输入工作自动选择最有效的设置。所有设置可以通过控制面板快速自动的控制。 Bewo Quatro可以扩展成百分之百兼容的机器和系统,用于去毛刺、测量、清洗和堆垛。高速锯床能处理外 径8到90毫米(0.315” 到3.5”)的管道。 Kent 提供完整的销售、服务及备件,用于在北美的新的和旧的Bewo机器。 Jetcam driving Prima Platino with Finn-Power Night Train material management system ARLAM Srl, Italy, is a sheet metal subcontractor employing 42 staff. The company had several CNC laser and combination machines, each being driven by different CAM software. In 2009, the company was in the process of replacing a Trumpf laser with a Prima Platino, to join its existing range of a Finn-Power LB6 com- bination machine (already driven by Jetcam) and a Bystronic laser. The Prima was also to be the first in the world to be connected to the Finn-Power Night Train material management system. Having different CAM systems presented the company with several problems. Co-owner Stefano Fuschini commented, “We were already running Jetcam with high performance nesting and were not happy with the nesting efficiency on the other machines. Also, not all of our staff were trained to use all of the systems, and the file formats were different, meaning we could not move jobs easily between machines. Having three sepa- rate systems made it difficult to group orders together for different customers. We investigated an upgrade to one of the other systems, and also looked at an alternative product, but neither were as fast or as easy to use as JETCAM.” In November 2009 the company decided to purchase a post-processor for the Bystronic laser and scheduled installation for January. At the same time, it received delivery of the Prima Platino and embarked on a month trial of the supplied software. This again did not deliver the same efficiencies as Jetcam, so in January 2010 a post-processor for the Prima was installed on both licenses. The system was customised on-site to link the Prima Platino to the Finn-Power Night Train system and all staff were trained. Jetcam Orders Controller (JOC) was also installed, allowing staff to easily create order lists for combined customer parts and assem- blies for all machines. The entire process took just five working days to complete. After going live the company noticed immediate benefits. The other business co-owner no longer needed to spend any time programming, freeing him up to concentrate on improving quality and processes on the shop floor, while the other two programmers now only spend one day per week instead of three. Geometry files are created once with multiple tooling/profiling layers and are available for nesting on all machines, while JOC reduces the time from order to NC code by automating the queuing of parts to be nested. With JOC providing combined orders and high performance nesting producing the most optimised nests, this delivered a notice- able reduction in material waste. Another unexpected benefit was that Arlam could now achieve a better part finish. Mr Fuschini commented, “Jetcam handles functions such as common cutting better than other systems. It also gives you much greater control over how the part is cut, which results in a better quality component.” Kent Corporation – USA Fax: +1 440 237 5368 Email: Website: - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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