TPT March 2011
这个新的三辊机组能在粗轧和中轧机中的一个孔型系列延伸出,因此大大降低了所需的前段部分的数量。任 何想要的完整尺寸范围的成品尺寸能以任何顺序用最少的轧机组生产出,而且仅需很少的机架更换。 对电机转速、轧辊和导架以及齿轮步骤最优调整值是根据最终产品通过小型轧机配置系统BAMICON计算出。 新的三辊减径定径机组计划于2011年底试运行。
Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co KG – Germany Fax: +49 2103 54 028 Website:
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EMS following two pipe plants projects EMS (Engineering Management Services) Srl is an independent engineering and consulting company lo- cated in Bergamo, Italy. The company has been involved in the realisation of pipe production plants all over the world, with the main tasks to develop the technological layout for new plants/renovation projects; make customised market stud- ies and define the reference production mix for the plant; define the reference productivity of the plant; define the reference technical specification of the main equipment; make simulation studies for storage optimisation; and project management during the procurement and installation phases. EMS is currently involved in the definition of the finishing floor layout of two pipe production plants, one of which is for OMK – United Metallurgical Company Group of Russia. The project for OMK is for a new ERW pipe production plant, OD range 23/8” to 65/8”, to produce 230,000 tpy of OCTG (casing and tubing), line pipe and a small amount of profiles. The plant, which will be installed in the Vyksa works of VMZ, will consist of: one ERW line, heavy duty; heat treatment plant; upsetting line for tubing; and quality assurance and finishing facilities for line pipe and OCTG, casing and tubing. The scope of EMS’s assistance is to define the reference number and typology of the finishing lines (heat treatment, upsetting, quality assurance and finishing facilities), the relevant reference technological machines and equipment and the possible alternative technological layouts of the finishing floor, starting from the ref- erence production mix developed by OMK, taking into account the pipe manufacturing specifications, and considering the installation inside an existing industrial building. A simulation study has been made to verify the pipe capacity and the smoothness of the pipe flow in the in- process pipe storage between the ERW line and the lines of the finishing floor. The EMS simulation model considers the sequence of pipe production lots, the relevant time for production and the auxiliary time to change tools and production sizes/lots, on the basis of the typical required times in operating conditions. The simulation model simulates the sequence of operations in a pipe plant, and the pipe flows in the in-pro- cess pipe storage, as expected from a realistic production scheduling. It also considers the effects of interrup- tions caused by possible breaks/failures, evaluated on the basis of statistical figures and on a random basis. The same simulation model, with customised additional routines and considering the characteristics of the orders from customers, is suitable for the definition and simulation of real production schedules during the plant operation. The results of the simulation are useful to anticipate, from the design phase, the plant’s layout optimisation. One week of simulation runs is commonly enough to acquire the experience of different production schedules that is otherwise only achievable in one year operation of the plant. Компания EMS осуществляет реализацию проектов по установке двух трубных установок Компания EMS (Engineering Management Services) Srl, находящаяся в г. Бергамо, Италия, является независимой проектно-консультационной компанией. Компания занимается осуществлением проектов сооружения трубных станов по всему миру, и основной её задачей является разработка технологических схем для новых и модернизируемых старых установок; исследование на заказ рынков и определение номинальной номенклатуры продукции для конкретных установок; определение номинальной производительности установок и технических условий на основное оборудование; моделирование для оптимизации складирования; управление проектами на стадиях поставки и установки оборудования
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