TPT March 2011
A utomotive T ube & P ipe M anufacturing
Does a challenge remain a challenge even after it has been met and mastered? In the tube and pipe industry, perhaps so. Over decades of the model years by which car companies mark the passage of time, much has been asked of tubing products commissioned by the automotive industry: long service life, performance across a broad temperature range, corrosion protection, resistance to oil and coolants; uniformity, flexibility, coilability; elasticity, formability, weldability.
The tube makers delivered. Every time.
Now that the world’s car makers must operate under stringent environmental and weight constraints, they are turning once again to their able partners in the tube and pipe industry. The new demands must be met with no compromise of the “old” ones. It’s a challenge, by any definition. But it is one for which the suppliers reviewed in this section of Tube & Pipe Technology are superbly well prepared.
Photo: Superior Technologies Europe
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